abdallah-zaghloul / youcan-task

You Can Ecommerce Module Task
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Live Demo

Project Infra Structure

Solution Implementation

• Persona Module (Authentication & Authorization) :
 reusable module called zaghloul-soft/persona-module 
 the user,admin module separated from the app
 also default middlewares overrided this gives you the
 following benefits :
- ability to insert a new module like (Food Delivery)
- utilize your admin,user data again at any project
- separate it to a microservice in case of high traffic.
• Ecommerce Module (Core Module) : reusable module
  both modules now you can require it through composer
  at any project.
• ERD :
- Product (M) => <= (M) Category 
- Category (O) => (M) Category  [self relation]
• Optimize DB :
- index for searchable columns
- Cacheing
- Bulk Insertion
- Eager Loading
- Generators to yield data (cursorPagination)
- DB transactions in case of multiple table insertion
• Seed : using Queues with ability to use Bus Batches
• Realtime Search : livewire 
• Cache : Redis using L5 Repository
- when to forget cache ? (update - insert - delete)
• Service - Repository Layer (benefits):
- make your code reusable ex:
 indexProducts can be used for query in both api/web
 only the response type will changed.
• Component - View Layer (benefits):
- make your code reusable ex:
- you can use you product component at any page you need.
• Form Request (DTO "Data Transfer Object") (benefits):
- make your code reusable ex:
  CreateProductRequest Used 3 times for (api/web/CLI)
• Storage : S3 Public Bucket (data not sensitive)
• Admin Registration Enabled for dev purpose only
• Tests:
- both (unit/feature)

CLI Create Product Command

sail php artisan create:product {name}  {price} {--description="mobile phone"} {--category_ids=1,2}

How To Run The Project Locally

Requirements (all can be installed automatically using docker desktop):
- PHP 8.2
- Run Docker Desktop
- MySQL 8.0
- Redis
- SQL lite PHP Extension

Run the following at the project root dir Terminal ---------------
  • Download Vendor folder composer install
  • Make Sail alias alias sail='[ -f sail ] && sh sail || sh vendor/bin/sail'
  • Generate .env file from .env.decrypted: php artisan env:decrypt --key=base64:2xrR+5fd4VR6vgogEwkApSj9LBsVafhyafO1XCoumYo= --force
  • Laravel Sail install php artisan sail:install
  • Run Your local server up: sail up -d
  • Run Your local server down: sail down
  • To Run Unit/Feature Tests but configure your test with xdebug sail php artisan test --testsuite={Modules or ModuleName}
if you have an issue you can see Laravel Sail