abdelfetah18 / watch-together

Watch-Together is the ultimate platform for shared video experiences. Whether you're miles apart or just next door, our innovative product brings people together in a whole new way. Say goodbye to watching videos alone and hello to interactive entertainment!
10 stars 3 forks source link
api nextjs tailwindcss watch-together websocket


Watch-Together is the ultimate platform for shared video experiences. Whether you're miles apart or just next door, our innovative product brings people together in a whole new way. Say goodbye to watching videos alone and hello to interactive entertainment!

Preview: https://watch-together-uvdn.onrender.com

How it works ?

Its a NextJS app with custom server ExpressJS that can handle WebSocket on the same server.also TaillwindCss is used for styling the UI pages and SanityIO as a database.



Images from the app:

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Thanks for reading and see you in my next project.