This is a Dart/Flutter plugin to know if the device security has been breached or not. For example it will let you know if the user rooted his device or not.
Please Note: [isRooted] and [isJailBroken] are both async functions which returns a boolean use them wisely.
security_plus: ^2.0.2
<manifest xmlns:android="">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<string>This app needs access to location when open.</string>
// You could use [isRooted] to check if the android device is rooted or not
// You could use [isJailBroken] to check if the IOS device is jail broken or not
// You could use [isOnExternalStorage] to check if the Android device is running your app on external storage or not
// You could use [isEmulator] to check if the Android device is Emulator or not
// You could use [isDevelopmentModeEnable] to check if the Android device is in Development mode or not
// You could use [isMockLocationEnabled] to check if the Android device is using a mock location method or not
Thanks to abu for creating flutter_root_jailbreak which was the inspiration for this plugin. Also thanks for MazenEmara for contributing to this project and being part of the team.