abdulhdr1 / study

an experiment if i can track references with github issues
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This is a mixture of learn in public with note taking project that aims on better organizing my links/references and topics I'm interested in/following on. You can find the topics and their related notes as issues, the basic issue structure is a title categorizing the topic in as few words as possible, some are going to be really broad like life advice and others will be focused on a single thing, like a course or an issue I'm working on. the issue body will usually be just a bunch of links where i can learn more about the topic, and as i go through them i add comment on the issue linking to what i've seen and a small note on the contents.

Why: i like the append only nature of github issues, you can follow the progress as a topic gets discussed. also, this not-very-structured approach means i don't really need to bother summarizing everything i've read/learned about something, i can simply choose something to read and after that write a few lines about it.

Current problems: