The Flashcard App allows users to add input questions and their answers. The user is also able to save all the questions they input in the app. There is also a navigation button for users to navigate all the questions and answers saved in the apps database.
Add the URL to your animated app walk-though gif
in the image tag below. Make sure the gif actually renders and animates when viewing this README. (☝️ Remove this paragraph after after adding gif)
This is an interactive flashcard game that allows users to communicate with the app by typing in a question and its answer and displaying them by clicking buttons on the game.
Add the URL to your animated app walk-though gif
in the image tag below. Make sure the gif actually renders and animates when viewing this README. (☝️ Remove this paragraph after after adding gif)
This is a user interactive flashcard android project that displays a question and allows users to see the answer to the question when they click the click.
Add the URL to your animated app walk-though gif
in the image tag below. Make sure the gif actually renders and animates when viewing this README. (☝️ Remove this paragraph after after adding gif)
In the User stories section below, add an x
between the -[ ]
like this - [x]
for any user story you complete. (☝️ Remove this paragraph after after checking off user stories)