abeauseigle / TodoApp

A webSqlApp syncing with a php MySQL server
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TodoApp => SEE TodoApp2 (the new improved version)

TodoApp is an HTML5 WebSql Application with CRUD (Create, Reach, Update, Delete). It uses the local SQLite database included in the browser (Safari, Chrome and many mobile browsers). It uses only HTML5 and CSS for the UI. The form contains different fields such as text, number (see webSqlApp for numbers), date (with a calendar), selectbox, checkbox (see webSqlApp for numbers) and radio button (see webSqlApp for numbers). It uses an improved webSqlSync.js to automatically synchronize the local WebSql database (SQLite of the browser) with a php-MySQL server. Thanks to Samuel for WebSqlSync.js (https://github.com/orbitaloop/WebSqlSync).


How it works

I use 2 indexes (one for the client DB and one for the server DB). I modifyed webSqlSync.js to handle inserted records directly into MySQL that have a null client id value. + completely changed the code to be sure the sync is possible with many devices (many browsers in fact because a device may have many browsers). We you first sync, the server sent a timestamp to create a BDBid (browser DataBase unique id). Here is the tric that was not easy to implement. I added or changed many functions to webSqlSync.js to determine if we INSERT or UPDATE the webSQL DB from the ServerJson When I insert a record in webSQL (with the client), I use -1 in the "server" ID to inform the server adapter that's a record newly created with the app. "-1" means to do an INSERT INTO MySQL. It records the BDBid creator to update the creator ID (to change it from -1 to the server one).

Tips to debug the sync

If you change the code of the webApp, you will have to put attention on some points such as:

If you get the following error message: do ____.

I hope it will help you to create your own webSql app. You are welcome to improve the code of the 2 ways sync.


Have fun!