abedidev / ResNet-TCN

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PyTorch Implementation of ResNet-TCN Hybrid Architecture for End-to-End Video Classification/Regression

Citation Policy - If you use this code, then please cite our corresponding paper as follows: "Improving state-of-the-art in Detecting Student Engagement with Resnet and TCN Hybrid Network", Ali Abedi, Shehroz S. Khan, The 18th Conference on Robots and Vision, 2021.

In this work, video classification/regression is formulated as a spatio-temporal data analysis problem. A 2D ResNet extracts spatial features from consecutive video frames, and a TCN analyzes the temporal changes in video frames. The extracted feature vectors (by ResNet) from the consecutive frames are considered as the input to the consecutive time steps of the TCN. After the last time step of the TCN, fully-connected layers output the predicted classification labels or regression scores.


Code Description:

The input is training and validation raw frames extracted from videos and placed in separate folders (using extractFramesOpenCV.py). The address of the folders (containing video frames) and corresponding labels should be provided in two csv files, train.csv and validation.csv as follows


datasets.py and transforms.py read the video frames based on their address in the csv files, preprocess and normalize them, and convert them to PyTorch dataloaders.

The ResNet-TCN Hybrid Architecture is in ResTCN.py. In the class ResTCN and the function forward, resnet18 extracts features from consecutive frames of video, and TCN analyzes changes in the extracted features, and fully-connected layers output the final prediction.

Training and validation phases are performed in train.py. Training the ResNet and TCN is performed jointly using Adam optimization algorithm.

The input to the ResTCN model should have this format: inputs = torch.randn([batch_size, sequence_length, num_channels, frame_width, frame_height]), for instance

import torch
from ResTCN import ResTCN
model = ResTCN().cuda()
inputs = torch.randn([16, 30, 3, 256, 256]).cuda()
outputs = model(inputs)

The code has been tested on the DAiSEE, Dataset for Affective States in E-Environments, for engagement level classification in online classrooms.