abentley / oaf

A Git client that brings a more user-friendly CLI to Git.
Apache License 2.0
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Oaf, a nicer Git

Oaf is a Git client that brings a more user-friendly CLI to Git. It is mainly a wrapper, but does use libgit2 for some things.

It's based on the following ideas:

  1. Merge is used to apply the changes introduced in another branch to the current branch.
  2. The commits done in a branch are different from the commits merged into a branch.
  3. Merges are a good thing that should be encouraged. They prevent conflicts from happening later, by establishing a clear precedence between two sets of changes.
  4. Merges can introduce logical conflicts, so the user should have the opportunity to test a merge before committing it.
  5. Push and Pull are operations to synchronize two copies of the same branch.
  6. -- is used to separate options from inputs that might look like options, not to separate file inputs from other kinds of inputs.
  7. Working on several branches at once should be as easy as possible.
  8. Users should have the opportunity to see what changes would be introduced by merging their current work into its eventual target.
  9. It is usually a bad idea to commit a version of the code that has never existed on disk.
  10. The Git index (staging area/cache) is an implementation detail that is not useful to most users.
  11. History is valuable, and should usually be preserved. It allows later readers to understand the precise context in which a change was introduced.

Differences from Git

New commands

Dependent-branch commands (pipelines)

Oaf supports dividing work up into several pieces, like Stacked Git. In Stacked Git, these are represented as a new "Patch" concept, but in Oaf, each piece of work is a branch that depends on the previous branch. The progression of branches that build on each-other is a "pipeline".

To add a new branch to the end of the pipeline, use `switch-next -c

` (replace with your own value). To adopt an existing branch as the next branch, use `next-branch `. To show the pipeline, use `pipeline`. To switch between branches in the pipeline, use `switch-next` and `switch-prev`. These are conveniences, and `switch` can also be used as normal. To remove a branch from its pipeline, use `disconnect-branch`. This functionality is based on my earlier [bzr-pipeline](http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrPipeline) plugin, and still has some feature gaps. In particular, it does not provide a way to make a change to an early branch and automatically propagate the change into all later branches. (In bzr-pipeline, this was the `pump` subcommand). Support for `merge -i` would be great. This command was useful for splitting a branch into multiple pieces of work after-the-fact. However, it's not strictly necessary, and it should be possible to emulate manually by using `stash --patch` to remove selected changes. Unlike bzr-pipeline, it does not need a "reconfigure" before you can start using it. It works automatically with any Git repo. ### New commands as Git external commands All new commands can also be used as Git external commands, as long as the oaf binary can be accessed via that name prefixed with 'git-'. e.g. by running `ln -s ~/.local/bin/oaf ~/.local/bin/git-merge-diff` you can then run `git merge-diff`. (This assumes that ~/.local/bin is in your path, and you have oaf installed there.) ## Commands with changed behaviour * `merge` defaults to `merge --no-ff --no-commit`. `--no-commit` (1.). `--no-ff` is because `merge` and `pull` are distinct. * `pull` uses `--ff-only` (5.). * `log` shows only commits from the current branch (and its ancestors) by default. (2.) * For a branch that has never been pushed before, `push` will automatically push to `origin` with the current branch's name. * `switch` allows you to pick up where you left off, without committing or explicitly stashing your pending changes. (7.) It also retains the `--guess` behaviour of checkout. * `commit` defaults to `-a` (10.). To commit only some changes, consider using `oaf stash [-p]` to temporarily remove unwanted changes. This gives you an opportunity to test that version before committing it (8.). * `diff` defaults to HEAD for its source (10.). It provides source and target as options (6.). It defaults to patience diff to prefer contiguous matches over longer, broken-up matches. * `restore` defaults to HEAD for its source (10.). * `status` uses a short format. When determining whether a file is modified, it (effectively) compares the working tree to HEAD (10.). Note: if you just want the new commands, not the changed behaviour, see "New commands as Git external commands" above. ## Obsolete commands * `checkout` is superseded by `switch` or `restore`. ## Unchanged commands All commands not listed by `oaf help` will automatically fall through to `git`. So `oaf write-tree -h` is the same as `git write-tree -h`. # Extensions Because `oaf` falls through to `git`, `oaf` will also fall through to external git commands. So `git-lfs` can also be invoked as `oaf lfs`. Currently, Oaf does not have native support for extension. # Interoperability ## File-format compatibility Oaf is implemented using a combination of the Git CLI and libgit2. libgit2 is used by most major Git hosting platforms, so it is well-tested. Compatibility with Git should be extremely high. ## Interchange with other users The use of `merge` improves mechanical interoperability, but may cause friction with some Git users and tools. Most developers would agree that the changes introduced on a branch are special in the context of that branch, but some do not wish to use the first-parent mechanism to distinguish between branch commits and merged-in commits. Because of this, they consider all merges to hamper readability. Since maintaining first-parent ancestry is not a priority, they may mess it up through fast-forward "merges", especially [foxtrot](https://blog.developer.atlassian.com/stop-foxtrots-now/) "merges". Note that using `rebase` in place of `merge` can also hamper interoperability, so this a catch-22, but one that Git users have long accepted. # Installation Oaf is in its early days, so binaries are provided for only x86-64. It is written in the Rust language, so you'll need a copy of the Rust toolchain to install from source. Before installing from source, ensure you have the OpenSSL headers installed. For example, `libssl-dev` on Ubuntu or `openssl-devel` on Fedora. The easiest way to install from source is: `cargo install --locked oaf`. This will install the latest published version. Git must be installed for Oaf to function. Oaf is typically tested with Git 2.25.x # History Oaf draws some inspiration from my previous work on * [Bazaar](https://bazaar.canonical.com/en/) VCS * the [bzrtools](http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrTools) plugins * the [bzr-pipeline](http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrPipeline) plugin * Fai, the Friendly [Arch](https://www.gnu.org/software/gnu-arch/) Interface * aba, an Arch front-end I wrote in shell to add support for Git-style external commands. While the Git repository format won out over Bazaar, many concepts from the Bazaar user model can be applied to Git. Oaf is my attempt to begin to do that. There is also [Breezy](https://www.breezy-vcs.org/), which is a fork of Bazaar with Git support built-in.