abetterstory / abetter-wordpress

A Better Laravel + Wordpress integration, for exceptionally fast web applications
MIT License
10 stars 4 forks source link

Needs License + Documentation + Tests #1

Open hopeseekr opened 5 years ago

hopeseekr commented 5 years ago


I would like to include this project in the Bettergist Collection. In order for it to qualify, the following needs to be done:

The Bettergist Collective will recheck this repo every 30 days and automatically include it when these conditions of excellence are met.

sjoland commented 5 years ago

Hi there. What is The Bettergist Collective, and why do you want to include my pack?

hopeseekr commented 5 years ago

The Bettergist Collective downloads the source code of every package submitted to it every 30 days and does the following:

  1. Asserts that the project has an active and pristine master branch.
  2. Asserts that the project has a standard source directory (src/, app/, lib/, etc.).
  3. Asserts that the latest PHP major version is supported.
  4. Reports the last active date.
  5. Reports the full phploc report (# of lines, etc.).
  6. Runs automated tests (currently: phpunit + behat). a. Reports whether all of the tests passed. b. Reports the test code coverage (lines).
  7. Runs the phpstan analyzer and determines the package's highest level of quality.
  8. Runs the php-metrics analyzer and reports the number of code smells (technical debt).

The end-user who browses for packages at the future Bettergist website will be able to filter packages based upon all of the above metrics. So, for instance, you could choose to view only packages with > 75% test code coverage and active within the last 6 months, that also has passing tests.

Periodically, reports will be generated for the entire PHP community on the state of the Bettergist ecosystem.

Hopefully, by encouraging best practices, Bettergist will be a major force of positive change for the PHP ecosystem. No longer will you have to worry so much about whether a package is abandoned, has passing tests, or even has tests. Poor quality packages will simply be removed.

Since this package's goals are to improve upon the Wordpress situation, by integrating it with Laravel, this project is a good qualifier for the types of packages that I'm looking for to include in the initial release.