abetterstory / abetter-wordpress

A Better Laravel + Wordpress integration, for exceptionally fast web applications
MIT License
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laravel perfomance security speed wordpress

A Better Wordpress

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ABetter Wordpress is a turnkey solution for using Wordpress on top of Laravel to build exceptionally fast web applications – while still using the worlds most popular CMS to manage content and translations.

Our methodology to fast web applications is all about Separation of Concerns (SoC) and Scalable Static Caching. We let Wordpress handle the content back-end and Laravel the standalone front-end. Additional API and web services for dynamic content are also routed through Laravel.

With the ABetter Toolkit we give Laravel/Blade some new powerful directives helping us separate as much as possible in standalone and resusable components – much inspired by ReactJS/VueJS.



Via Composer:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel . "6.*"
composer require abetter/wordpress

Laravel modifications

Add post install/update script to composer.json:

"scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [
    "post-update-cmd": [

Note: The script will modify any core files using the global __() method for string translations and add a cross-framework workaround. Sadly wordpress core do not check for function_exists before defining global __(), which breaks Laravel + Wordpress compatibility without modification.

Add middleware to app/Http/Kernel.php:

protected $middleware = [

Note: The middleware helps Blade clear the view cache when developing many nested components.


Setup Laravel

Edit .env settings


Note: Use APP_ENV=sandbox when developing with browsersync.

Add routes to /routes/web.php

// ABetter Toolkit services
Route::any('image/{style?}/{path}', '\ABetterToolkitController@handle')->where('path','.*');
Route::any('proxy/{path}', '\ABetterToolkitController@handle')->where('path','.*');
Route::any('browsersync/{event?}/{path}', '\ABetterToolkitController@handle')->where('path','.*');
Route::any('service/{path?}.{type}', '\ABetterToolkitController@handle')->where(['path'=>'.*','type'=>'json']);

// ABetter Wordpress main route
Route::any('{path}', '\ABetterWordpressController@handle')->where('path','^(?!nova-api|nova-vendor|nova|api).*$');

Note: Remove any other routes for root or wp paths (i.e default Welcome).

Copy the Deployer file to root and run setup once:

cp vendor/abetter/toolkit/deploy/deploy.php deploy.php
dep setuponce local

Run audit fix if needed:

npm audit fix

Note: Only run the setuponce on fresh projects, since it will replace files in /resources and /public.

Test to build the app:

dep build local

Setup Wordpress

Go to host in browser (e.g. http://www.abetter.loc) and follow install instructions.

Go to /Appearance/Themes, and activate ABetter theme.

Go to /Plugins, and activate:

Add default pages:

<name> : <slug> : <template> : <order>
Start : start : default : -1
News : news : default : 200
Privacy Policy : privacy-policy : default : 200
Search : search : search : 400
403 Forbidden : 403-forbidden : error : 403
404 Not found : 404-not-found : error : 404

Go to /Settings/Reading:

Finaly, go to host in browser:

Congratulations to your new site!



Use npm to start webpack and browsersync:

npm run watch

... or if using php artisan serve:

php artisan serve & npm run watch

NOTE: With "php artisan serve" you need to modify APP_PROXY in .env to

Component file structure

├── public                                   # Handled by build script (will be overwritten)
├── routes                                   # Add any development routes to /web.php
├── resources                                #
│   ├── scripts                              # Global scripts in "app.js"
│   ├── styles                               # Global styles in "app.scss"
│   ├── fonts                                # Fonts here (will copy to /public on build)
│   ├── images                               # Images here (will copy to /public on build)
│   ├── videos                               # Videos here (will copy to /public on build)
│   ├── views                                #
│   │   ├── <theme>                          # Subfolder defined in .env / WP_THEME
│   │   │   ├── template.blade.php           # Template file requested in route
│   │   │   │   ├── components               #
│   │   │   │   │   ├── menu                 # Component subfolder:
│   │   │   │   │   │   ├── menu.blade.php   # Template file : @component('components.menu',TRUE)
│   │   │   │   │   │   ├── menu.scss        # Sass file : @style('menu.scss')
│   │   │   │   │   │   ├── menu.js          # Javascript file : @script('menu.js')

/vendor/abetter/wordpress/                   # Default components will be used if not overridden!
├── views                                    # (e.g. html head start/end is rendered from here)
│   ├── default                              #
│   │   ├── robots.blade.php                 # Default Robots.txt template
│   │   ├── sitemap.blade.php                # Default Sitemap.xml template
│   │   ├── components                       #
│   │   │   │   ├── html                     # Default HTML head components
│   │   │   │   ├── missing                  # Default debugging for missing components
│   │   │   │   ├── robots                   # Default Robots.txt component
│   │   │   │   ├── sitemap                  # Default Sitemap.xml component

Note: Component names will be auto-resolved if the blade file has same basename as folder.

Note: Linked JS/Sass files in components will be external files in development to support browsersync live, but will be embedded in html source on Stage/Production environments for better caching.

Note: You can auto-terminate a @component with TRUE as the second paramater, to avoid writing out @endcomponent, e.g when not using any slots or nested content.


(coming soon)


Johan Sjöland johan@sjoland.com
Senior Product Developer: ABetter Story Sweden AB.


MIT license. Please see the license file for more information.