abhiabhi94 / django-flag-app

A pluggable django application that adds the ability for users to flag(or report) your models.
MIT License
14 stars 5 forks source link
django django-rest-framework flag moderation report

=============== django-flag-app

.. image:: https://github.com/abhiabhi94/django-flag-app/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg?branch=main :target: https://github.com/abhiabhi94/django-flag-app/actions :alt: Test

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A pluggable django application that adds the ability for users to flag(report or moderate) your models.

.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abhiabhi94/django-flag-app/main/docs/_static/images/django-flag-app.gif :alt: flagging-process

For complete documentation you may visit Read the Doc. or see the docs directory.

.. _Read the Doc: https://django-flag-app.readthedocs.io .. _docs: https://github.com/abhiabhi94/django-flag-app/blob/main/docs/


Install using pip

.. code:: sh

$ pip install django-flag-app

If you want, you may install it from the source, grab the source code and run setup.py.

.. code:: sh

$ git clone git://github.com/abhiabhi94/django-flag-app.git
$ cd django-flag-app
$ python setup.py install


Add app

To enable ``django_flag_app`` in your project you need to add it to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in your projects ``settings.py`` file:

.. code:: python



In your root urls.py:

.. code:: python

urlpatterns = patterns(
        path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
        path('flag/', include('flag.urls')),
        path('api/', include('flag.api.urls')),  # only required for API Framework


Run the migrations to add the new models to your database:

.. code:: sh

    python manage.py migrate flag

Connect the flag model with the target model

In models.py add the field flags as a GenericRelation field to the required model.

E.g. for a Post model, you may add the field as shown below:

.. code:: python

from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation

from flag.models import Flag

class Post(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    body = models.TextField()
    # the field name should be flags
    flags = GenericRelation(Flag)

.. important::

the name of the field should be **flags**.

Use template tag

If you want to use web API, this step is not required. See further instructions at `Web API`_.

.. _Web API: https://github.com/abhiabhi94/django-flag-app/blob/main/docs/webAPI.rst

``render_flag_form`` tag requires 3 required positional arguments:

    1. Instance of the targeted model.
    2. User object.
    3. Request object

To render the ``flag`` form for a the instance ``post``, place this inside your detail view, perhaps in some template of the sort ``postdetail.html``.

.. code:: jinja

    {% render_flag_form post user request %}


Please see the instructions at `Contributing.rst`_.

.. _Contributing.rst: https://github.com/abhiabhi94/django-flag-app/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.rst