abhinavsp0730 / blip

Python package to intercept an mock all external api calls during django test.
MIT License
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django hacktoberfest python

Django Blip

Django Blip is a python package that mocks any external API(s) call when running Django test(s). It allows to set global
mocked response and status code for these external API(s) calls. Notably, if you've previously used @httpretty.activate to mock a test, Django Blip will not overwrite that behavior, ensuring backward compatibility.

How to configure:

1) pip install django-blip to install in your virtual env. 2) Add TEST_RUNNER = "blip.custom_test_runner.BlipTestRunner" in your Django's settings.py.

3) Add,

                "blip_status_code": 500,  # Default 200
                "blip_response": '{"key": "value"}',  # Default {}
                "blip_verbose": False,  # Default True
                "blip_silently_bypass": False  # Default True, If set to False, it will raise an exception if any
                                               # external API call is encountered within the test

in your settings.py.

Also if you wanna register any additional url you can do it like this,

    from blip.service import BlipService 
    import httpretty
    import json
    "blip_additional_global_mocks": [
            response=json.dumps({"key": "value"}),

Blip will give first priority to urls passed via blip_additional_global_mocks.

Basic Usage

import httpretty 
from django.test import TestCase 
import requests  
import json
class TestBlipWorks(TestCase):
    @httpretty.activate(verbose=True, allow_net_connect=False)
    def test_blip_do_not_alter_the_behaviour_of_existing_mocked_apis_with_httpretty(self):
        url = "https://google.com"
        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, url, body=json.dumps({"key": "value"}), status=500)
        # blip's default behaviour is it mocks any api call and return status code = 200 and response={}
        # this test will ensure blip don't override existing test which is already decorated with @httpretty.activate
        res = requests.get(url)
        self.assertEqual(res.json()["key"], "value")  # blip returns response = {}
        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 500)  # blip returns default 200 status code

    def test_blip_works_and_mock_any_api_call(self):
        url = "https://google.com"
        # blip's default behaviour is it mocks any api call and return status = 200 and response={}
        res = requests.get(url)
        self.assertEqual(res.json(), {})  # blip returns response = {}
        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)  # blip returns default 200 status code

In the provided code examples, test_blip_works_and_mock_any_api_call shows that Blip returns a mocked status_code of 200 and an empty response {}. Additionally, in test_blip_do_not_alter_the_behaviour_of_existing_mocked_apis_with_httpretty, you can see how Blip is designed to work seamlessly with @httpretty.activate decorators, ensuring that it doesn't override existing behaviors.