abhisheks008 / ML-Crate

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[Feature Addition]: Web App for Air Quality Prediction #634

Closed Shiladityagit closed 3 weeks ago

Shiladityagit commented 3 weeks ago

Pull Request for ML-Crate πŸ’‘

Issue Title: [Feature Addition]: Web App for Air Quality Prediction

Closes: 596

Describe the add-ons or changes you've made πŸ“ƒ

I have run the the model in my local notebook. I selected the model with best accuracy and exported using pickle. I have created a separate folder named as the Project Title. Inside that folder, there are : Images - To store the required images. Dataset - To store the dataset or, information/source about the dataset. Model - To store the machine learning model you've created using the dataset. Web app - app.py file to run the web app.

Type of change β˜‘οΈ

What sort of change have you made:

How Has This Been Tested? βš™οΈ

I have tested the air quality prediction app by running the app on Streamlit and verifying the result by testing different inputs .

Checklist: β˜‘οΈ

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Our team will soon review your PR. Thanks @Shiladityagit :)

abhisheks008 commented 3 weeks ago

Closing this pull request as it is conflicting with the main branch.