abhisheks008 / ML-Crate

ML-Crate stands as the ultimate hub for a multitude of exciting ML projects, serving as the go-to resource haven for passionate and dedicated ML enthusiasts!🌟💫 Devfolio URL, https://devfolio.co/projects/mlcrate-98f9
MIT License
179 stars 214 forks source link
contributions-welcome data-science hackclubrait hrsoc hrsoc2022 iwoc2024 jwoc jwoc-2k22 jwoc2k22 kwoc2023 machine-learning open-source opencode22 python ssoc swoc21

ML-Crate 💻🧰

Website for ML-Crate Project Repo: Click Here!

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🔴 Welcome contributors!

ML Crate stands as the ultimate hub for a multitude of exciting ML projects, serving as the go-to resource haven for passionate and dedicated ML enthusiasts!

Structure of the Projects 📝

This repository consists of various machine learning projects, and all of the projects must follow a certain template. I wish the contributors will take care of this while contributing in this repository.

Project Folder
|- Dataset
   |- dataset.csv (dataset used for the particula project)
   |- README.md (brief about the dataset)
|- Images
   |- img1.png
   |- img2.png
   |- img3.png
|- Model
   |- project_folder.ipynb
   |- README.md
|- Web App
   |- templates
   |- static
   |- app.py
   |- demo.mp4
   |- README.md
|- requirements.txt

🧮 Workflow

🥳 Open Source Programs!

SWOC 2021

JWOC 2022

OpenCode 2022

PSOC 2022

KWOC 2022

DWOC 2023

KWOC 2023-24

JWOC 2024

IWOC 2.0


🏆 Achievements of this Project Repo 🎉

:one: Recognized as the "🥇 TOP PROJECT" for SWOC 2.0 for the year 2021-22. (49 Pull Requestes have been merged!)
:two: Recognized as the "TOP MENTOR" and "TOP PA" for the project 'ML-Crate' in SWOC 2.0.
:three: Recognized as the "🥇 BEST MENTOR" of JGEC Winter of Code 2022, for mentoring students to contribute in the project repo "ML-Crate".
:four: Recognized as the "🥇 BEST MENTOR" of CSI RAIT OpenCode Open Source Program 2022, for mentoring students to contribute in the project repo "ML-Crate".
:five: Recognized as the "🥇 TOP PROJECT ADMIN" of Hack Club RAIT Summer of Code 2022, for mentoring students to contribute in the project repo "ML-Crate".
:six: Special Mention from JWOC Team ✍️ : Abhishek is one of the most skillful and talented open source developers I have come across at JGEC Winter of Code 2K22. He exhibited commendable performance as a Project Admin and Mentor throughout the event. It was a pleasure to see him interact with and guide budding student developers to put forward their first steps towards open source contribution. The numerous mentorship sessions he facilitated for the participants reflect his domain expertise and technical proficiency. Abhishek is an inspiration for many young engineers who wish to build a career in Machine Learning and Data Science. His project ML-Crate was an essential gateway for ML enthusiasts to break the ice and start contributing.
On behalf of the entire Organizing Team of JWOC 2K22, I highly appreciate Abhishek's efforts to foster the spirit of community bonding and cooperation among the aspiring developers. His imaginative prowess and enthusiasm will be a great asset to any organization.

✨Top Contributors

Thanks goes to these Wonderful People. Contributions of any kind are welcome!🚀

✔Project Admin

Abhishek Sharma

⭐Give this Project a Star

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🎉 🎊 😃 Happy Contributing 😃 🎊 🎉

📬 Contact

If you want to contact me, you can reach me through social handles.


© 2023 Abhishek Sharma

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