abishekvashok / cmatrix

Terminal based "The Matrix" like implementation
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.96k stars 412 forks source link
c matrix screensaver


Matrix like effect in your terminal




:cloud: Overview

CMatrix is based on the screensaver from The Matrix website. It shows text flying in and out in a terminal like as seen in "The Matrix" movie. It can scroll lines all at the same rate or asynchronously and at a user-defined speed.

CMAtrix is inspired from 'The Matrix' movie. If you haven’t seen this movie and you are a fan of computers or sci-fi in general, go see this movie!!!

:grey_exclamation:Disclaimer : We are in no way affiliated in any way with the movie "The Matrix", "Warner Bros" nor any of its affiliates in any way, just fans.


:open_file_folder: Build Dependencies

You'll probably need a decent ncurses library to get this to work. On Windows, using mingw-w64-ncurses is recommended (PDCurses will also work, but it does not support colors or bold text).

:small_blue_diamond: For Linux

Run this command to check the version of ncurses.

ldconfig -p | grep ncurses

If you get no output then you need to install ncurses. Click below to install ncurses in Linux.


:floppy_disk: Building and installing cmatrix

To install cmatrix, Clone this repo in your local system and use either of the following methods from within the cmatrix directory.

:small_blue_diamond: Using configure (recommended for most linux/mingw users)

autoreconf -i  # skip if using released tarball
make install

:small_blue_diamond: Using CMake

Here we also show an out-of-source build in the sub directory "build". (Doesn't work on Windows, for now).

mkdir -p build
cd build
# to install to "/usr/local"
cmake ..
# OR 
# to install to "/usr"
make install


:bookmark_tabs: Usage

After you have installed cmatrix just type the command cmatrix to run it :)


Run with different arguments to get different effects.

cmatrix [-abBflohnsmVx] [-u update] [-C color]


cmatrix -ba -u 2 -C red

For more options and help run cmatrix -h
Read Manual Page by running command man cmatrix

To get the program to look most like the movie, use cmatrix -lba To get the program to look most like the Win/Mac screensaver, use cmatrix -ol

:round_pushpin: Note: cmatrix is probably not particularly portable or efficient, but it won't hog too much CPU time.


:camera: Captures

:small_blue_diamond: Screenshots

cmatrix screenshot

:small_blue_diamond: Screencasts

cmatrix screencast


:zap: Maintainers

:busts_in_silhouette: Our Contributors

:small_orange_diamond: Thanks to


:book: Contribution Guide

If you have any suggestions/flames/patches to send, please feel free to:


:page_facing_up: License

This software is provided under the GNU GPL v3. View License