abitdodgy / cfw-usermanager

A user manager demo app for ColdFusion on Wheels
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ColdFusion on Wheels User Manager Demo

CFW User Manager is a demo app for ColdFusion on Wheels. It's meant to be a toolkit for learning or kickstarting a project that requires basic session management and authorization, as well as basic CRUD.

Current Version 2.3.0

Current version includes the following functionality:

Change Log

Version 2.3.0

Version 2.2.0

The following are the most recent changes. For a full list of changes, please see the change log

This version requires a new SQL file (included). The following changes have been made:

Change Log

Coming Soon


  1. Create the database using the included SQL file.
  2. Add the datasource in ColdFusion Admin or Railo.
  3. This app uses BCrypt.class for password hashing. It's included in the /lib directory. Make sure it's available to the app. Depending on what you are using (Railo or ColdFusion), see instructions below.
  4. Setup your email credentials in /config/settings.cfm. The e-mail functionality is commented out at the moment (optional).

Railo Users

Make sure you include the /lib folder, which contains BCrypt.class. BCrypt.class is needed for password encryption. The path is specified in User.cfc where we create our Java objects. For example:


ColdFusion Users

Add BCrypt.class to ColdFusion Admin. In previous versions you needed to edit User.cfc to remove the third argument from any calls to CreateObject() as it was Railo specific. Since version 2.2.3 this is no longer necessary; the app will detect your server automatically and create the object correctly.

Requires ColdFusion 9 or Railo 3+.


I will try to maintain CFW User Manager under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible (once I've read them, that is).

Releases will be numbered with the follow format:


Bug tracker

Please create an issue here on GitHub!



Mohamad El-Husseini