ablake / kotlin-news-for-android

A simple Android app for browsing Kotlin news, meant to demonstrate architectural principles and implement core functionality applicable to most apps.
Apache License 2.0
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A simple Android app for browsing Kotlin news, meant to demonstrate architectural principles and implement core functionality applicable to most apps.




  1. Implement networking with tools like Retrofit and OkHttp and request the news feed on app launch. Create a Newsfeed model from the response.
  2. Create Fragments for each screen and use Android Jetpack's Navigation component to define paths between them.
  3. Use ConstraintLayout and RecyclerView to implement the news feed view.
  4. Connect the RecyclerView to the news feed with an Adapter. Separate the logic from the view with an architectural pattern like MVP or MVVM.
  5. Implement the individual news item view. Pass a NewsItem to it from the newsfeed view when one is selected.