ablumenf / ECCpy

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Toolkit (Python)
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Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Toolkit

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Toolkit Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Toolkit Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Toolkit

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Toolkit
Last Updated: July 21, 2016
Author: Aaron Blumenfeld


This is a basic Python TkInter application to implement the most commonly used computations in elliptic curve cryptography. It is intended to be used for instructive purposes (by students or educators) studying cryptography. Arbitrarily large fields are supported, but some functions are quite slow. In particular, computing the order and computing random points in the GF(2^r) tab is quite slow. In the prime case, we can compute x^3 + ax + b for each x and see if that number is a square. If so, we can take the square root to find points. But in the binary case, computing x^3 + ax^2 + b gives us y^2 + xy, not just y^2, so we cannot simply compute a square root. There are more advanced algorithms for computing orders more efficiently, but I have not implemented them.

Logarithms may also be slow because a brute-force method is used. At some point, I may implement Pollard-Rho for a speed-up. I did implement a variant of Pollard-Rho for factoring integers, though. This is used for finding the order of a point in the prime case: first find the order of the curve, then check all factors of that order to find the order of a point. I did not use factorization for finding the order of a point for the binary case, though, because finding the order of a curve over GF(2^r) is quite inefficient. I simply used the upper bound q + 1 + 2sqrt(q) as an upper bound on the order and did a linear brute-force search (where q = 2^r). This upper bound is implied by Hasse's Theorem.

For binary elliptic curves, you need to make sure the irreducible polynomial you use is actually irreducible. The default, z^9 + z^8 + 1, is irreducible. You can see the Java version (github.com/ablumenf/ECC) for a drop-down menu of irreducible polynomials. All irreducible polynomials mod 2 up to degree 10 are listed there.

A discrete logarithm of -1 indicates an error. This means that there is no solution. For example, if you choose a non-cyclic elliptic curve group and want to solve kG = P, where G generates a proper subgroup of E and P lies in a different coset, there will be no solution.

I did not implement error detection for trying to do point arithmetic when the point is not on the curve. Perhaps it can be instructive to see what happens with the calculations in this situation.

There is also a Misc. tab, which includes support for exponentiation, inverses, and square roots (mod p), as well as addition, multiplication, inverses, exponentiation, and square roots of polynomials in finite fields.

When you enter a value in the GF(p) tab (other than the modulus, k, and n), it automatically gets reduced mod p. Similarly, when you enter a polynomial in the GF(2^r) and Misc. tabs, it automatically gets reduced mod the irreducible polynomial and R(z), respectively.