ably / ably-asset-tracking-swift

iOS client SDKs for the Ably Asset Tracking service.
Apache License 2.0
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asset-tracking cocoa ios realtime sdk swift

Ably SDK

Ably is the platform that powers synchronized digital experiences in realtime. Whether attending an event in a virtual venue, receiving realtime financial information, or monitoring live car performance data – consumers simply expect realtime digital experiences as standard. Ably provides a suite of APIs to build, extend, and deliver powerful digital experiences in realtime for more than 250 million devices across 80 countries each month. Organizations like Bloomberg, HubSpot, Verizon, and Hopin depend on Ably's platform to offload the growing complexity of business-critical realtime data synchronization at global scale. For more information, see the Ably documentation.

Ably Asset Tracking SDKs for Swift



Ably Asset Tracking SDKs provide an easy way to track multiple assets with realtime location updates powered by the Ably realtime network and Mapbox Navigation SDK with location enhancement.


This SDK is an alpha version. That means it contains a subset of the final SDK functionality, the APIs are subject to change, and it is not ready for production use. The latest release of the SDKs is available in the Releases section of this repository.

Ably Asset Tracking is:

This repo holds an Xcode workspace (Examples/AblyAssetTracking.workspace), containing:

Multiple example apps/ Xcode projects, and

One Swift Package (ably-asset-tracking-swift), containing three libraries/ SDKs:


Visit the Ably Asset Tracking documentation for a complete API reference and code examples.

Useful Resources



These SDKs support support iOS and iPadOS. Support for macOS/ tvOS may be developed in the future, depending on interest/ demand.

Mapbox setup

In order to install the Ably Asset Tracking SDKs, you need to first configure your development machine so that it has permissions to download the Mapbox Navigation SDK. To do this, follow the instructions under "Configure your secret token" in the Mapbox installation guide in order to set up your ~/.netrc file.

Swift Package Manager

You can find the version on the releases page.

Example Apps

AWS S3 support in publisher app (optional)

The publisher example app is able to fetch a location history file from an AWS S3 bucket and use it to replay previously-recorded journeys. To enable this functionality, you need to place an Amplify configuration file at Examples/PublisherExample/PublisherExample/Optional Resources/amplifyconfiguration.json. The example app is configured to use Cognito for auth and S3 for storage.

Running example apps on a real device

No additional setup is required when running the example apps on simulators, but if you try to run them on a real device you'll run into code signing errors.

To run the example apps on a device you'll need to change the code signing settings in Xcode:

If you run into an error The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to launch ... because it has an invalid code signature, inadequate entitlements or its profile has not been explicitly trusted by the user. you'll need to "trust" your development account on your device:

Iphone Settings -> General -> VPN & Device Management -> Your development profile


Publisher SDK

The Asset Publisher SDK can efficiently acquire the location data on a device and publish location updates to other subscribers in realtime. Here is an example of how the Asset Publisher SDK can be used:

import AblyAssetTrackingPublisher

// Initialise a Publisher using the mandatory builder methods

publisher = try? PublisherFactory.publishers() // get a Publisher Builder
    .connection(ConnectionConfiguration(apiKey: ABLY_API_KEY, clientId: CLIENT_ID)) // provide Ably configuration with credentials
    .delegate(self) // provide delegate to handle location updates locally if needed

// Start tracking an asset

publisher?.track(trackable: Trackable(id: trackingId)) // provide a tracking ID of the asset

See the PublisherBuilder protocol for addtional optional builder methods.

Subscriber SDK

The Asset Subscriber SDK can be used to receive location updates from a publisher in realtime. Here is an example of how Asset Subscribing SDK can be used:

import AblyAssetTrackingSubscriber

// Initialise a Subscriber using the mandatory builder methods

subscriber = try? SubscriberFactory.subscribers() // get a Subscriber Builder
    .connection(ConnectionConfiguration(apiKey: ABLY_API_KEY, clientId: CLIENT_ID)) // provide Ably configuration with credentials
    .trackingId(trackingId) // provide a Tracking ID for the asset to be tracked
    .delegate(self) // provide delegate to handle location updates locally if needed
    .start() // start listening to updates

See the SubscriberBuilder protocol for addtional optional builder methods.


Both Subscriber and Publisher SDK support basic authentication (API key) and token authentication. Specify this by passing a ConnectionConfiguration to the Subscriber or Publisher builder: SubscriberFactory.subscribers().connection(connectionConfiguration).

To use basic authentication, set the following ConnectionConfiguration on the Subscriber or Publisher builder:

let connectionConfiguration = ConnectionConfiguration(apiKey: ABLY_API_KEY, clientId: clientId)

To use token authentication, you can pass a closure which will be called when the Ably client needs to authenticate or reauthenticate:

let connectionConfiguration = ConnectionConfiguration() { tokenParams, resultHandler in

    // Implement a request to your servers which provides either a TokenRequest (simplest), TokenDetails, JWT or token string.

    getTokenRequestJSONFromYourServer(tokenParams: tokenParams) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let tokenRequest):
        case .failure(let error):

Ably Asset Tracking UI (Location Animator)

The Location Animator can interpolate and animate map annotation view.

// Instantiate Location Animator
let locationAnimator = DefaultLocationAnimator()
// Subscribe for `Location Animator` position updates
locationAnimator.subscribeForFrequentlyUpdatingPosition { position in
    // Update map view annotation position here
// Additionally you can subscribe for infrequently position updates
locationAnimator.subscribeForInfrequentlyUpdatingPosition { position in
    // Update map camera position
var locationUpdateIntervalInMilliseconds: Double

func subscriber(sender: Subscriber, didUpdateDesiredInterval interval: Double) {
    locationUpdateIntervalInMilliseconds = interval
// Feed animator with location changes from the `Subscriber SDK`
func subscriber(sender: Subscriber, didUpdateEnhancedLocation locationUpdate: LocationUpdate) {
    locationAnimator.animateLocationUpdate(location: locationUpdate, expectedIntervalBetweenLocationUpdatesInMilliseconds: locationUpdateIntervalInMilliseconds)


Feature Support

iOS Client Library feature support matrix.

Support, feedback and troubleshooting

Please visit http://support.ably.com/ for access to our knowledgebase and to ask for any assistance.

You can also view the community reported Github issues.

To see what has changed in recent versions, see the CHANGELOG.

Known Limitations

These SDKs support iOS and iPadOS. Support for macOS / tvOS may be developed in the future, depending on interest / demand.


For guidance on how to contribute to this project, see CONTRIBUTING.md.