aboongm / space-travelers-hub

This is a Space Traveler's Hub website. The website has 3 pages that list the rockets, the missions, and the reserved rockets and booked missions.
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axios reactjs redux redux-thunk

React Project: Space Traveler's Hub

This is a Space Traveler's Hub website. The website has 3 pages that list the rockets, the missions, and the reserved rockets and booked missions.

Screen Shots




Built With ♥

Live Demo

Github-page live

Netlify live


Getting started

to run the project locally, clone the project using the command

git clone git@github.com:aboongm/react-bookstore.git

Run test

navigate to the project directory, from GitHub, to test or run the application double click on the index.html file to open in your browser


👤 Ranjit Luwang

👤 Said Rasinlic

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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