abranson / rockpool

Pebble client application for Sailfish OS
41 stars 19 forks source link

Multiple Pebbles and ambience/silent changes #111

Open rubdos opened 3 months ago

rubdos commented 3 months ago

I recently got my hands on a Pebble Time Steel, it's a lovely watch! However, now Rockpool is managing two watches, because I still use my Pebble Time too.

I use the Ambience change triggers on connect/disconnect to get my phone from making noise to complete silent, because I receive my notifications on my watch. Now, I don't take both watches with me, which means that one of my watches disconnects during the day, and my phone goes out of silent mode.

I think it would be beneficial to add some logic to change the ambience on all-disconnected and any-connected events, in my use case.

abranson commented 3 months ago

One on each wrist??

rubdos commented 3 months ago

One on each wrist??


In principle, sure, but people were getting worried about the size of my left arm.

abranson commented 3 months ago

I love my PTS. Getting a bit anxious about what I'll do if it breaks - it's seven years old now and still going strong.

Anyway I think the extra events are a great idea.

rubdos commented 3 months ago

I love my PTS. Getting a bit anxious about what I'll do if it breaks - it's seven years old now and still going strong.

Ebay still has them for now. I was tempted to get the silver kickstarter edition even...

Anyway I think the extra events are a great idea.

Cool! There'll be a point somewhere this month, where it annoys me that much that I just dive into it. I'll let you know when it happens.