abranson / rockpool

Pebble client application for Sailfish OS
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Rockpool, Pebble support for Sailfish

TMO thread Openrepos

This application supports the Pebble v3 firmware in Sailfish (i.e. Pebble Time, Time Steel, Round and updated older models). It is in a beta state. The app and daemon are mostly full featured, but the JavaScript watch app API is incomplete so not all apps work. For Pebble classic models, notification will work but there's no support for the older app model, so you should continue to use Pebbled. You can use Rockpool to update your watch to the latest firmware, and you should because it's a great update.


Known issues


Rockpool requires some extra packages to be installed on the MerSDK to be able to build. Mainly this is to add missing QtWebSockets Qt plugin which is missing in Qt 5.2 in general and in Sailfish in particular.

You would need to perform following steps:

After that, the package will build pulling necessary dependencies from official and newly added repositories. QtCreator will warn you that Qt websockets can't be found locally, but you can fix that by syncing the target in the 'SailfishOS' pane. To install your package on your phone or tablet, you'll need to add my openrepo. The easiest way to do this is with warehouse, though you'll have to do it manually if you're using the emulator.

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