abranson / rockpool

Pebble client application for Sailfish OS
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Add Twitter/Facebook Feed to timeline #20

Open awlx opened 8 years ago

awlx commented 8 years ago


is it possible to add those to the timeline?


rufferson commented 8 years ago

Twitter events are added (notifications, mentions - basically alerts) as they are phone events. Re. FB no idea - not using it, but I'm sure it follows the same pattern. If you need actual twits - it's a bit too much to forward them to timeline, there's Pebble App for that.

awlx commented 8 years ago

The actual Tweets would be cool, as Tweeble no longer works with current watches :-/.

abranson commented 8 years ago

The state of FB in Sailfish is still very poor - there's still really no feed. I'd noticed that the FB notifications aren't making it through either, and I think that needs looking at. Maybe they're classed as a feed on the event screen. Do such things appear on the timeline on Android?

petRUShka commented 8 years ago

It would be great to consider also vk.com -- biggest social network (more popular than facebook and twitter) in post USSR countries. Especially in Russia.

a-andreyev commented 8 years ago

@petRUShka, I guess vk.com support is not the task for rockpool/rockwork. Talking about vk-Sailfish support, here is nice situation explanation (see Chris Adam's comments)