abranson / rockpool

Pebble client application for Sailfish OS
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Built-in apps implementation: Weather and Sent Text #46

Closed rufferson closed 8 years ago

rufferson commented 8 years ago

This one has just TWC as a reference implementation. The reason is - to implement any other provider I need to use some non-trivial steps to collate and pull together all the required elements, while TWC looks like one of those "custom offerings" where returned data is specifically tailored for the needs. I.e. need just to parse and s.upload the data.

Send text is really simple and actually reuses most of the existing libpebble elements from new timeline - canned messages and attributes. Just a simple new container for contacts, and a wrapper for canned messages to store in blobs.

No GUI, mere DBus.

abranson commented 8 years ago

Yes from the looks of that they designed their weather data format around TWC :( Might as well keep it there as a reference, as you say. I don't see anything actually problematic, given there's no API key.