abrazhe / image-funcut

View, analyse and transform dynamic imaging data
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The image-funcut project is kind of a sandbox or testbed for utilities to view, analyse and transform two-photon microscopy data or any other series of images.

At the moment, the project includes the following Python modules:

One of the motivations to start this project was a functional programming approach to image data analysis, hence the name. Also, it's like a final-cut, but with some (geeky) fun.

Example usage

The following will load a series of TIFF files with all color channels and start and interface to pick up ROIs, etc.

    import imfun
    fs = imfun.fseq.open_seq("/path/to/many/tiff/files/*.tif",ch=None)
    p = imfun.ui.Picker(fs)

Documenting all the features is a work in progress...


The project of course relies on the usual core numeric Python packages: Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib. It draws some ideas from scikit-learn and scikit-image, and may in future use these two more. The package also keeps a copy of tiffile.py by Christoph Gohlke (version 2013.01.18) to load multi-frame TIFF files.

The script frame_viewer.py, a simple GUI wrapper for imfun, also uses Traits and TraitsUI.


Except for files, adopted from external sources (such as tiffile.py) the code is GPL. Other open licensing (e.g. MIT LGPL) can be leased on demand.


The software has been used in production of the following journal articles: