abresler / fundManageR

An Investment Management toolkit for R. Because Excel is a threat to the global financial system.
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fundManageR — R’s Investment Management Toolkit
Because the Industry Must Liberate Itself from the Chains of Excel


What is fundManageR?

Outside of a few isolated pockets, the participants in the $67,0000,000,000 + United States investment management are trapped in Excel-centric universe. This is a dangerous state of being

Whether you are talking about Private Equity, Venture Capital, Real Estate Private Equity or Hedge Funds, industry professionals are executing important business functions dangerously and inefficiently through a maze of Excel spreadsheets.

The purpose of this package is to provide R proficient industry professionals a generalized framework that provides out-of-the-box access to functions that perform many standardizable industry pertinent calculations.

As an added bonus this package also wraps access to a growing array of data silos, including the first full wrapper of the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure database in any of the major programming languages. It’s my hope that this package’s data acquisition functionality will be of use to industry professionals, academics, journalists, or anyone who enjoys exploring interesting data sets.

Why fundManageR?

Excel, while convenient for some, is poorly suited for important data analysis and modelling. Billions of dollars have been lost throughout the investment management universe as a direct result of uncaught Excel errors. Here are few examples:

Further more, for many of the most common calculations, there is countless duplication of methods to perform common calculations, and in many cases formulas are left unchecked and errors end up having extreme consequences down the line.

Though in its extreme infancy, fundManageR is my attempt to provide an easy to use framework for these calculations to be performed in R, through an open and readable API, consistent with Hadley Wickham’s tidy tools manifesto. These calculations have fault checks to ensure accuracy and designed for iteration which allows for complex calculations that Excel would be unable to execute.

The package’s other motive is to provide easy access to the financial industry’s dark data, hidden and public APIs. This should enable better transparency around one of the United States’ most vital industries. As the old saying goes, when in doubt Follow the Money, fundManageR should help to do this.

Package Dependencies

In order for this package to work you need the packages listed below must be installed. You can run the code snippet to install them if necessary.

For pdftools you may need to follow the installation instructions here.

packages <- 
  c("curl", "curlconverter", "dplyr", "formattable", "httr", "jsonlite", 'devtools',
    "lazyeval", "lubridate", "magrittr", "pdftools", "purrr", "readr",  'quantmod',
    "readxl", "rvest", "stringi", "stringr", "tibble", "tidyr", 'tidyverse',
    "xml2", "")

lapply(packages, install.packages)

Package Installation


Package Idioms

fundManageR is built around 2 full function families and another with 1 usable, but powerful, with many more on the way.

calculate_ Functions

Parallel Computing

This package now supports parallel computing for all iterative functions. In order to utilize this just run `future::plan with your selected method.

For example to use muiltiprocess.

fred_symbols(symbols = c("DGS10", "DGS2", "DGS30"))


visualize_ Functions


Interactive Analysis Tools

Brief Examples

Most Recent ADV Summary Data

recent_period_summary <- 
  adv_managers_current_period_summary(file_directory = NULL)

Detailed Manager Search

test_manager <- 
    search_names = 'EJF Capital',
    crd_ids = 156663,
    all_sections = T,
    assign_to_environment = T

YCombinator Alumni

ycombinator_alumni <- 

ycombinator_alumni %>% 
  visualize_tibble(edit = F) ## visualize it
IRR Calculation
dates <- 
  c("2015-10-09", "2016-09-26") %>% lubridate::ymd()

land_purchase_price <-
  -1000000 %>% formattable::currency()

land_sale_price <-
  1300000 %>% formattable::currency()

cash_flows <- 
  c(land_purchase_price, land_sale_price)

fundManageR::calculate_irr_periods(dates = dates, cash_flows = cash_flows, return_wide = T)