abrindam / ArtemisEngineeringClient

Java client for Artemis SBS. Attempts to provide an better experience for those playing the Engineering station.
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Artemis Engineering Client

This is a Java client for Artemis Space Bridge Simulator. It attempts to provide an better experience for those playing the Engineering station by providing various usability improvements and advanced functionality.

More information on specific functionality will be available as development progresses.


This is a client for Artemis Space Bridge Simulator created by Thom Robertson. You must have a legally purchased version of Artemis in order to play this game. Artemis is an awesome game and Thom has been kind enough to be supportive of third party clients. Please do not pirate Artemis - thank him by buying a copy of the game!

In order to talk to the Artemis server, this client uses IAN (Interface for Artemis Networking), created by Robert J. Walker (rjwut) on top of the original ArtClientLib created by Daniel Leong (dhleong). None of this would be possible without their hard work!

Persistent Custom Presets

TODO: document me!


Power vs. Coolant

If Shift is pressed, allocation keys affect coolant allocation, otherwise they affect power allocation.

Custom Keybindings

Define custom keybindings in the file input.cfg at the root of the repository. Each line defines a binding, and the format for each line is <system enum name> <positive key> <negative key> (each componnet is separated by one space). Duplicate bindings are not allowed. Order and capitalization are irrelevant.

Valid system names are:

Keys must match a VK_ key constant in java.awt.KeyEvent, without the VK_ prefix. Example of some custom keybindings:

beams BACK_slash braceright
FORE_Shields H comMA

Keys may not be one of the following reserved (i.e. not re-bindable) keys: BACK_SLASH (Debugging command) SPACE (Reset energy and coolant settings) 0-9 (Apply preset)

Keys may conflict with a default binding (see defaults below) only if they also define an input for the system that the default binding belonged to. Setting the same value as a default is okay. For example:

TORPEDOES W A       (A is the default for Primary Beam decrease)
BEAMS F1 F2         (Because we've defined a new key for Primary Beam decrease, it's okay)

This hasn't been tested on a keyboard using a character set other than the Western Latin standard.


For each input that does not have a custom key binding specified in input.cfg, the following defaults are used:

  Primary Beam      Q           A
  Torpedoes         W           S
  Sensors           E           D
  Maneuver          R           F
  Impulse           T           G
  Warp              Y           H
  Front Shield      U           J
  Rear Shield       I           K



The entry point to the program is located in the ClientMain.java file.

Developer Modes

The client has two special modes that are useful only to developers.

Fake mode: Fake mode runs a local simulation without actually connecting a real Artemis server. Highly recommended for basic UI development, as you will not need to continuously connect and reconnect to a real server, speeding cycle times. A lot of functionality is simulated (e.g. overheating a system works), but some is not (damcon teams don't really work). You can put the client in this mode by passing the --fake command line flag.

Proxy mode: Proxy mode allows a vanilla engineering client to connect to this client, which in turn connects to the server. With this setup, both clients will render the same data from the server, and either client can issue commands. This is a great way to check the behavior of the vanilla client against this improved client without running afoul of the "one engineering console per ship" limit. You can put the client in this mode by passing the --proxy command line flag.

You can also supply the server hostname/IP and optionally the port as command line arguments.

IDE Configuration


Dependencies should be checked in, so you shouldn't have to download anything extra. This isn't the greatest thing to do, but we need a dependency management system before we can get rid of this.


These instruction assume you are using Eclipse Neon (4.5.2).

First, clone this repository into the root of your Eclipse workspace.

Open Eclipse and choose File -> New -> Java Project. Enter the name of this repository exactly as the name of the project. You'll see text on the bottom of the window explaining that the wizard will automatically configure the JRE etc. Make sure Java SE 8 or later is selected (we're currently using 1.8.0_102). Click Finish.

Next, right click on the project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path. If you don't see that option, right click on the project, select Properties and then the Java Build Path entry. Open the Libraries tab. If you see all of the .jar files which are present in the lib directory listed in addition to the JRE System Library, you can skip this step. If not, add all of the .jar files in lib and the Java3D-1.5.1 subdirectory.

With IAN v3.1.1 (and possibly later versions), source code attachment is required. To do that, return to the Java Build Path options and expand the entry for ian-3.1.1.jar under the Libraries tab. Select Source attatchment, then Edit. Select Browse then navigate to ArtemisEngineeringClient/lib and select ian-3.1.1-src.zip. Click OK three times to finish.

Lastly, navigate to Run -> Run Configurations and create two new Java Application configurations. Both should invoke com.brindyblitz.artemis.ClientMain. The first, titled AEC - Fake, should include the argument --fake. This will invoke the fake server (see Fake Mode above). The second, AEC - Live LAN, should have the IP address of your server as the argument, e.g. This will connect to the real server upon launch (see Proxy Mode above). For both, select the entry point by going to the Main tab and entering com.brindyblitz.artemis.ClientMain in the text field under Main class.

IntelliJ IDEA

These instructions assume you are using IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4.

  1. Select Import Project.
  2. Select the root directory of your clone.
  3. Select Create project from existing sources.
  4. Continue selecting defaults until the project loads.
  5. In the project window's tree, locate the lib directory under ArtemisEngineeringClient.
  6. Right click on ian-UNRELEASED.jar, select Add as source..., and select Build -> Rebuild Project.
    • You should now have no compilation errors.
    • You should now be able to navigate directly to the IAN source code from within your source files
  7. In the project window's tree, right click on lib and select Mark Directory As -> Excluded. This will cause any compilation errors in any dependencies to go away (you only need that directory for code navigation, not compilation).

3D DAMCON Models

To import 3D models from the Artemis directory for use as wireframes in this project:


Picking Code Links

JOGL Links
