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Reinforcement Learning via Auxiliary Task Distillation

We present Reinforcement Learning via Auxiliary Task Distillation (AuxDistill), a new method that enables reinforcement learning (RL) to perform long-horizon robotic control problems by distilling behaviors from auxiliary RL tasks. AuxDistill achieves this by concurrently carrying out multi-task RL with auxiliary tasks, which are easier to learn and relevant to the main task. A weighted distillation loss transfers behaviors from these auxiliary tasks to solve the main task. We demonstrate that AuxDistill can learn a pixels-to-actions policy for a challenging multi-stage embodied object rearrangement task from the environment reward without demonstrations, a learning curriculum, or pre-trained skills. AuxDistill achieves 2.3× higher success than the previous state-of-the-art baseline in the Habitat Object Rearrangement benchmark and outperforms methods that use pre- trained skills and expert demonstrations.



To download the datasets used for training use the datasets provided in the train folder at the following link and place it in the data/datasets/replica_cad/rearrange/train folder. Place the validation dataset in the data/datasets/replica_cad/rearrange/val folder.



To train the code for performing the rearrangement task use - bash skill_chain/train/rearrange.sh. This will train the model using the configuration file configs/rearrange.yaml. The checkpoints will by default be saved to the data/ckpts/rearrange directory. To train different seeds simply append the argument habitat.seed=$SEED to the command.

Language Pick

To execute the language pick task use the command - bash skill_chain/train/lang_pick.sh. To train a different seed, append habitat.seed=$SEED to the run command


Pretrained checkpoints

The pre-trained checkpoints for the rearrangement and language pick tasks can be found at the following link, place the checkpoints in the data/ckpts/pretrained folder. To run the pretrained checkpoint, run bash scripts/eval/rearrange_pretrained.sh to execute the run command. Change the checkpoint path to evaluate different seeds in this experiment. For language pick evaluation, run bash scripts/eval/lang_pick_pretrained.sh to evaluate the pretrained language pick model.

Evaluating Trained Checkpoints

Use the command, bash scripts/eval/rearrange.sh to evaluate the trained checkpoints. By default this evaluates the latest checkpoint saved in data/ckpts/rearrange/latest.pth. This path can be adjusted in the evaluation script. The videos are generated in the path given by habitat_baselines.video_dir defined in the script.



  title={Reinforcement Learning via Auxiliary Task Distillation},
  author={Harish Abhinav Narayan, Heck Larry, Hanna Josiah, Kira Zsolt and Szot Andrew},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.17168},