absurdengineer / vue3-facebook-login

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A facebook login component which hides the complexity of facebook javascript SDK to initialize and connect with facebook and get access token.


npm install vue3-facebook-login


vue3-facebook-login hides the complexity of facebook javascript SDK hence it is comparitively very easy to use.


For Local Registration

import FacebookLogin from "vue3-facebook-login";

export default {
    components : {

For Global Registration

Update main.js

import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import FacebookLogin from "vue3-facebook-login";

createApp(App).component("facebook-login", FacebookLogin)

After importing the component, you can use it in your templates as:

    methods : {
        handleLogin(response) {
            console.log("User Successfully Logged In" , response)
        handleLoginFailed() {
            console.log("User Cancelled or Abort the Login")

where appId is the appId recieved after creating App to use Facebook Authentication from Facebook


Property Required Type Default Decription
appId true String - appId recieved from Facebook after creating App.
type false String normal defines the type of button (minimal, normal, or custom)
theme false String light defines the theme for the button(light or dark)
text false String Login with Facebook text for the login button when used custom type
classes false String null classes needs to be applied to custom login button
styles false String null styles needs to be applied to custom login button


Event Invoking Time Type Decription
loggedIn When user successfully logged in with facebook function pass a function which should contain all the operations to be performed after successful facebook login
loginFailed When user cancelled/abort login with facebook function pass a function which should contain all the operations to be performed after cancel/abort facebook login


If after following all the instructions carefully Facebook Login is still not working and saying App not set up This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions. then there may be 2 reasons behind it.

  1. You may have used wrong appId.
  2. Facebook Policy : The method FB.login can no longer be called from http pages

So I would Suggest just go ahead and move the app to a https environment and it will be finely working.


Mohammad Dilshad Alam created and maintains this component.