abused / World-Border

A Revival of the WorldBorder Forge mod from 1.7.10
MIT License
13 stars 9 forks source link

WorldBorder-Forge is an unofficial and unendorsed port of Brett Flannigan's WorldBorder Bukkit plugin to Forge 1.10.2. This version has been updated and being maintained by abused_master for minecraft versions 1.10.2+. It is a server-only mod that allows the easy management of world sizes. Almost all the features of the Bukkit plugin are available in this version, including but not limited to:


Mod support


  1. Download the latest release JAR or clone this repository & build a JAR file
  2. Place the JAR file in the mods/ directory of the server
  3. Run/restart the server
  4. Open config/WorldBorder/main.cfg and modify configuration to desired values
  5. Execute /wb reload to reload changes


This fork is based off version 1.8.4 of the WorldBorder Bukkit plugin. A lot of the codebase has been refactored and reformatted to get it to work best as a Forge mod. As such, it has differences in function and is most likely buggier. Some are intentional, others need further work. These include but are not limited to:




Simply execute gradle setupCIWorkspace in the root directory of this repository. Then execute gradle build. If subsequent builds cause problems, do gradle clean.


WorldBorder-Forge makes use of DEBUG and TRACE logging levels for debugging. To enable these messages, append this line to the server's JVM arguments:


Then in the root directory of the server, create the file log4j.xml with these contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration monitorInterval="5">
    <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
      <PatternLayout pattern="[%d{HH:mm:ss} %-4level] %logger{36}: %msg%n"/>
    <Root level="INFO">
      <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
    <Logger name="WorldBorder" level="ALL" additivity="false">
      <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>