abuzarmahmood / blech_clust

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Python and R based code for clustering and sorting electrophysiology data recorded using the Intan RHD2132 chips. Originally written for cortical multi-electrode recordings in Don Katz's lab at Brandeis. Optimized for the High performance computing cluster at Brandeis (https://kb.brandeis.edu/display/SCI/High+Performance+Computing+Cluster) but can be easily modified to work in any parallel environment. Visit the Katz lab website at https://sites.google.com/a/brandeis.edu/katzlab/

Order of operations

  1. python blech_exp_info.py

    • Pre-clustering step. Annotate recorded channels and save experimental parameters
    • Takes template for info and electrode layout as argument
  2. python blech_clust.py

    • Setup directories and define clustering parameters
  3. python blech_common_avg_reference.py

    • Perform common average referencing to remove large artifacts
  4. bash blech_run_process.sh

    • Embarrasingly parallel spike extraction and clustering
  5. python blech_post_process.py

    • Add selected units to HDF5 file for further processing
  6. python blech_units_plot.py

    • Plot waveforms of selected spikes
  7. python blech_make_arrays.py

    • Generate spike-train arrays
  8. bash blech_run_QA.sh

    • Run quality asurance steps: 1) spike-time collisions across units, 2) drift within units
  9. python blech_make_psth.py

    • Plots PSTHs and rasters for all selected units
  10. python blech_palatability_identity_setup.py

  11. python blech_overlay_psth.py

    • Plot overlayed PSTHs for units with respective waveforms


conda deactivate                                            # Make sure we're in the base environemnt
conda update -n base conda                                  # Update conda to have the new Libmamba solver

cd <path_to_blech_clust>/requirements                       # Move into blech_clust folder with requirements files
conda clean --all -y                                        # Removes unused packages and caches
conda create --name blech_clust python=3.8.13 -y            # Create "blech_clust" environment with conda requirements
conda activate blech_clust                                  # Activate blech_clust environment
conda install -c conda-forge -y --file conda_requirements_base.txt # Install conda requirements
bash install_gnu_parallel.sh                                # Install GNU Parallel
pip install -r pip_requirements_base.txt                    # Install pip requirements (not covered by conda)
bash patch_dependencies.sh                                  # Fix issues with dependencies

### Install neuRecommend (classifier)
cd ~/Desktop                                                # Relocate to download classifier library
git clone https://github.com/abuzarmahmood/neuRecommend.git # Download classifier library
pip install -r neuRecommend/requirements.txt

### Install EMG (BSA) requirements (OPTIONAL)
# Tested with installation after neuRecommend requirements
cd <path_to_blech_clust>/requirements                       # Move into blech_clust folder with requirements files
conda config --set channel_priority strict                  # Set channel priority to strict, THIS IS IMPORTANT, flexible channel priority may not work
bash emg_install.sh                                         # Install EMG requirements


cd <path_to_blech_clust>                                    # Move to blech_clust directory
conda activate blech_clust                                  # Activate blech_clust environment
pip install -U prefect                                      # Update prefect
python pipeline_testing/prefect_pipeline.py --all           # Run all tests

Use prefect server start to start the prefect server in a different terminal window, and monitor the progress of the pipeline in th Prefect UI.

Convenience scripts

Operations Workflow Visual


Workflow Walkthrough

This section is being expanded, in progress.

Open a terminal, and run:

cd /path/to/blech_clust #make the blech_clust repository your working directory
conda activate blech_clust #activate blech_clust
DIR=/path/to/raw/data/files  #save the path of the target Intan data to be sorted
python blech_exp_info.py $DIR  # Generate metadata and electrode layout  

Once you've started running the script, it will ask you to "fill in car groups". Go to the intan data folder, where you'll find a file named [...]_electrode_layout.csv. Open this file in a spreadsheet editor, and fill in the CAR_group column. You should give all of the electrodes implanted in the same bundle the same identifier, and use different identifiers for different bundles (e.g. all electrodes from a bundle in right GC are called GC1, and all electrodes from a bundle in left GC are called GC2). Once you've edited the .csv, return to the terminal and type y enter. The script will then search your data folder for DIN files, and will print something like this, though the specific files may vary:

(0, 'board-DIN-09.dat'),
(1, 'board-DIN-11.dat'),
(2, 'board-DIN-12.dat'),
(3, 'board-DIN-13.dat')

These are the files for the Intan digital inputs that blech_clust has detected in your data folder, which should correspond to the on/off times of each stimulus presentation, and/or laser activations.

You'll also be given this prompt: Taste dig_ins used (IN ORDER, anything separated) :: "x" to exit ::. You can select as many or as few as you'd like to be included in later steps in the analysis; they don't impact initial spike-sorting. In this case, if we wanted to include DINs 11 and 13 but not 09 or 12, we would type 1,3 enter in the terminal, using the indices corresponding to the desired DINs. If you have a DIN for laser activations, do not include that here; it will be requested at a later step.

Next, you'll see this dialog: Tastes names used (IN ORDER, anything separated) :: "x" to exit ::, asking to provide taste names for each of your selected DINs. Supposing that DIN-11 was associated with DI H2O, and DIN-13 was 300mM sucrose, we would enter Water,Sucrose enter, leaving off the molarity, which will be provided in the next step.

That prompt (Corresponding concs used (in M, IN ORDER, COMMA separated) :: "x" to exit ::) should immediately follow. This requires numeric inputs, so for our stimuli of DI H2O and 300mM sucrose, the appropriate input would be 0,0.3 enter, giving the molarity of Water as 0, and converting mM to M in the sucrose concentration.

The next prompt (Enter palatability rankings used (anything separated), higher number = more palatable :: "x" to exit ::) asks for palatability rankings for the stimuli. This requires a numeric input > 0 and <= the number of stimuli, does not need to be integer, and accepts duplicate values (e.g. 4,3,2,1 is fine, 0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1 is also fine, even 3,2,2,1 is fine, but 2,1,1,0 is not, nor is 5,4,3,2). In our water/sucrose example, 1,2 enter would be an appropriate entry.

The next prompt (Laser dig_in index, <BLANK> for none::: "x" to exit ::) asks for the index of the DIN corresponding to laser activations. If DIN-09 was the channel for the laser, for example, we would type 0 enter, using the index corresponding with DIN-09. Alternatively, if we had no laser, we would just hit enter to proceed.

Our final prompt (::: Please enter any notes about the experiment.) just asks for notes. Enter any pertinent comments, or just hit enter to finish running blech_exp_info.py

Once we've finished with blech_exp_info.py, we'll want to continue on with either blech_clust.py or blech_clust_pre.sh. However, before we can run either thing, we'll need to set up a params file. First, copy blech_clust/params/_templates/sorting_params_template.json to blech_clust/params/sorting_params_template.json and update as needed.

While you're there, you should also copy and adapt the other two params templates (waveform_classifier_params.json and emg_params.json), or you will probably be haunted by errors.

bash blech_clust_pre.sh $DIR   # Perform steps up to spike extraction and UMAP  
python blech_post_process.py   # Add sorted units to HDF5 (CLI or .CSV as input)  
bash blech_clust_post.sh       # Perform steps up to PSTH generation

Test Dataset

We are grateful to Brandeis University Google Filestream for hosting this dataset
Data to test workflow available at:

Dependency Graph (for use with https://www.nomnoml.com/)