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==> Scholar
==> Alpha versions
- Visualizing the timeline of Katz Lab publication and making it easier
to explore relationship between lab papers and extended literature
- Network graph visualization of timeline of article from the lab
- Edges between publications will be determined by:
1) Manual input
2) Automatically inferred using:
a) Hierarchical Dirichlet Process
3) Orphan edges will be defaulted to inferred
- Summary statistics of each node (article)
1) Citations (timeline)
2) Title, authors, abstract, link
- Suggested further reading:
1) From within lab articles
2) Citations from article + Articles citing current one
2) Extended literature
- Highlight by Author
- Interactive plotting done in:
- Scraping using
- Inference using:
- Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (package unknown)
- Deployment:
- Storage (for lab and extended lit scraped articles):
- Periodic updates:
- Front end:
- Easiesnt thing would be to allow people to enter a query (restricted
to authors) and simply receive a link to a figure.
- Data:
- Notes:
- If database for text is centralized, this will allow easier
development of more complex models (Hierachical Dirichlet Process
or Hierarchical NMF) more easily.
- NLP:
- Notes:
- Avoiding recalculating of embeddings/features with each addition
to the database will be challenging
- Using TF or TFIDF by keeping count of
will allow updates without recalculating i.e. we can store a
sparse array with word counts for documents. As more documents
are added, both rows (documents) and word counts (columns) can
be appended. If the dictionary size (total words) gets too large,
a max number can be instantiated and words can be replaced using
some relevance criteria (highest TFIDF?)
- Organization:
- Feature extraction
- TF
- PCA of features?
- Clustering/Topic Modelling
- Distance calculation (Either on raw features or using topics)