abuzarmahmood / neuRecommend

Classifier for semi-automated spike-sorting and channel recommendation
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Multi scale features / targetting specific timepoints for improved classification + clustering #11

Open abuzarmahmood opened 8 months ago

abuzarmahmood commented 8 months ago

Use additional shorter windows to differentiate spikes which have different "elbows"

Can also used Neighborhood component analysis or LDA to find what time-points in the spike-snapshot are MOST useful for separating waveforms.

abuzarmahmood commented 8 months ago

Weighted PCA using the below weights might be useful


abuzarmahmood commented 8 months ago

Using PCA of logistic regression coefficients (weighted transform) as transform improves classification accuracy logistic_regression_accuracy logistic_regression_accuracy_comparison

abuzarmahmood commented 7 months ago



abuzarmahmood commented 7 months ago


abuzarmahmood commented 7 months ago


abuzarmahmood commented 7 months ago
