accelasearch / prestashop-module

AccelaSearch module for Prestashop
Academic Free License v3.0
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AccelaSearch Prestashop Module

AccelaSearch Prestashop Module is a Prestashop module that allows you to add a powerful search engine to your store.


Minimum Prestashop version: 1.7.0 or higher Minimum PHP version: 7.1 or higher

Controller Routing

Routing of ajax calls made by RTK Query is done by official AdminController and managed by a Dispatcher that route the request to src/Controller/CamelCaseController.php dinamically. To add a new route just add row to the controllers/AccelasearchAdmin.php and create a new controller in src/Controller folder.

React side

Create a new service in react/services folder and add it to the service.js file.

Start a local tunnel

You can use localtunnel to expose your local Prestashop installation to the internet.

npx localtunnel --port 8199

Make Commands

Some commands needs to be run inside the container, check make help for more info.

Lint view

make lint

Lint fix

make lint-fix

PHP Lint

make php-lint

PHP Stan (static analysis)

make phpstan

Header check

make header-check

Header fix

make header-fix

Run phpunit and e2e tests

make test

Run autoindex file generation

make autoindex

Create new official release ( see make help for more options )

TYPE=patch make release

Write new tests

Create a file in the tests/Unit folder with the name of the class you want to test and add the suffix Test.php.

Take a look at the tests/Unit/ManagerTest.php file for an example.

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