accelerateatlanta / hack-2022

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Hello World

Welcome to Accelerate Atlanta! This hackathon will kickoff in person from 9 am - 8 pm Dec 3rd - 8 am - 4pm Dec 4th at the Atlanta Blockchain Center. Participants can also join virtually. Hackers will have 2 weeks following the in person event to submit their project. Anyone can participate in this hackathon regardless of location, but the scope of their project should benefit local Atlanta communnities.

WTF is Koii?

Koii is a decentralized network of nodes. Your first point of reference should be the docs. Hackers can interact with these nodes via the task node test enviornent. Koii also has attention mining properties which allow users to mine and earn koii via any online published content with a few lines of code. There is a useful suite of dev tools for interacting with decentralized storage. Lastly Koii has UI templates for builidng out a decentralized app front end and fully functional boilerpates for a crowdfunding and leaderboard app.

Hackers should aim to build projects utilizing the task node or the attention mining properties of Koii.


Hackers should understand decentralized computing and javascript basics conceptually. Below are some resources to get up to speed on building with Koii:

How to Participate?

The hackathon will kickoff in person from Dec 3rd 9 am - 8 pm to Dec 4th 8am - 4 pm.

Create a new issue using the repo's issue tracker to introduce yourself, form a team, or pitch your project additionally we have a discord.

The recommended teamsize is between 2-5. Between the github, telegram, and in person. There will be plenty of opportunites for building out your team.

There will be support from Koii team members both irl and virtually to help with your projects.

Submit your projects here.

Who can hack?

Anyone who is interested in web3 and values community is welcome and encouraged to apply.



9:00 am - Check in + Breakfast Networking

10:00 am - kickoff w/ speakers

11:00 am - 1:00 pm - Team Match + Hacking Begins

1:00pm - Lunch

6:00 - Dinner

8:00 - End of Day


8:00 - 2:00pm - Breakfast + Hack + VC meetngreet

2:00 - 4:00 pm - Presentations + Lunch


12:00 am est - Final Submissions Due

Allow 2 weeks for judging, follow up questions, and prizes to be sent out.


Projects must be open source and submitted via github. You dont have to be a developer, but you must utilize Koii network in a both meaningful and feasiable way. Submit a 3-5 minute video along with all relevant links [here[( by 12/19/2022.

Examples of projects that we'd like to see are included below:

Free the Data Use Koii nodes to query a common data source (API, Website, etc) Store that data on IPFS (using the built-in Web3.Storage Integration) Provide an interesting index of the data that users might find valuable

Level the Playing Field Similar to (1), but try to focus on areas where information is less available, or certain communities are underserved by the current internet infrastructure.

Design a Content Collective Similar to (1), but nodes receive a share of rewards based on the attention their contributions generate More info on Content Collectives: Content Collectives Blog Post and Whitepaper

No Longer Will The Winners Write History (Free Speech) Use IPFS and Koii to preserve knowledge or information about current affairs, ensuring that many perspectives are available when history is reviewed by future generations


  1. winner $1500
  2. 2nd place $1000
  3. 3rd $500


Projects will be evaluated on the following equally weighted criteria.

Local Impact

What public value does your project provide to local communities? Does it have utility beyond web3 or even traditional tech?

Implementation of Koii

How well does this project utilize or develelop the Koii ecosystem?