accre / lstore

LStore - A fault-tolerant, performant distributed data storage framework.
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 5 forks source link

LStore Release Tools



You will need to bring your own copies of:

In addition, LStore has build-time dependencies on

For centos, at least, these dependencies can be installed with:

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install cmake openssl-devel czmq-devel zmq-devel zlib-devel fuse-devel leveldb-devel

If the local CMake installation is too old, we install a local copy into build/


LStore uses CMake as its meta build system. To initialize the build system, execute:

cd build
cmake ..

Once the Makefile is initialized, commonly used targets include:

Packaging LStore

LStore uses a docker-based system for packaging LStore for various linux distributions. In general, the packaging scripts all accept a list of distributions on the command line. By default, each distribution will be attempted. These base images containing external dependencies and build tools can be bootstrapped with:

./scripts/ [distribution] [distribution] ...

For each supported distribution, a docker image named lstore/builder:DIST will pe produced and tagged. For instance, a base Centos 7 image will be named lstore/builder:centos-7. These images can be updated by executing again.

Once the base images are installed, the current source tree can be packaged with:

./scripts/ [distribution] [distribution] ...

Once completes, the output binaries for each distribution will be stored in package/<distribution>/<package>/<revision>. The revisions are auto-generated by a heuristic that considers the number of git commits between the working copy and the most recent release tag.