accsaber / accsaber-backend

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AccSaber Backend


Starting a Postgres Docker container

Run docker-compose up in the db directory

Creating a local configuration

Copy the contents of the application.yml into a file called application-local.yml. The gitignore will ensure that the file is not committed into the repository. The file will already contain the basic needed keys for the configuration of the application. For the database simply uncomment the first 15 values. It is also necessary to configure a path to where the application will store avatars and song covers with the key image-save-location as well uncommenting the allowed-origins key for the CORS configuration.

Starting with the profile

To start the application through the command line first run: mvn clean install in the root folder, then navigate into the accsaber-application module and run mvn spring-boot:run

Generating Liquibase changelogs

Navigate into the accsaber-database module and run mvn liquibase:diff

It will create a liquibase-temp-changeLog.xml in the changelog folder. Move this file to changelogs and rename it appropriately. Remember to adjust the and AccSaberSchemaFilter for new views so that they are exempt from validation and changelog creation.