acdh-oeaw / wugsy

Crowdsourcing language data
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Questionnaire Data #13

Open yalemisewAbgaz opened 6 years ago

yalemisewAbgaz commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am putting the questionnaire data in nquad (RDF) ~13mb and would like to make it available with the app. I am not sure where such data should be placed. Should I put it in the src/questionnaire folder?

interrogator commented 6 years ago

Good question. I think we should speak with @amelieacdh about whether or not there is already a server hosting ACDH data?

ameliedorn commented 6 years ago

hi! @interrogator there are servers hosting ACDH data, however, they can only be accessed internally.

interrogator commented 6 years ago

Thanks @amelieacdh. Will take internal stuff to Slack, but we must speak about the data becoming or not becoming publicly available for querying!

@yalemisewAbgaz , repositories should ideally be very small, and 13mb is surprisingly quite a lot. The main issue is that if they are reversioned, old copies are stored, so if the data updates then the size can balloon and cloning the repo can take a long time.

So, ideally, the data would go up on the same internal server described by @amelieacdh above I suppose. In the meantime, you could just upload on slack, tell us where the files need to go within the repo, and we can add them to .gitignore so they don't wind up in the repository :)

yalemisewAbgaz commented 6 years ago

@introgetor, One of my concern was the fact that the data size is big and it will get bigger. It is a good idea to put the data separate from the application, however on the server, it should go under the fuseki-data volume. volumes:

interrogator commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this. Will check it out soon