acdh-oeaw / wugsy

Crowdsourcing language data
MIT License
1 stars 3 forks source link

ACDH language game app

This repo hosts a web app that gives language games to users, and returns their solutions to a database.

Key specs:


To run/develop wugsy locally, first, make sure you have Docker installed, and the Docker daemon running. Then, clone the repo, cd into it, make a local settings file, and use the provided script to launch:

git clone
cd wugsy
cp src/wugsy/settings/local.sample.env src/wugsy/settings/local.env
sh ./

Then, point your web browser to http:/localhost:8000/.

Running without Docker

Docker is the preferred way to do development, because we can all be more certain that we are running code in the same environment. It also simplifies deployment a lot.

But, if you don't have or want to use Docker, there is still hope. If this is you, please work from within a Python 3 virtualenv. Then, do something like:

git clone
cd wugsy
cp src/wugsy/settings/local.sample.env src/wugsy/settings/local.env
pip install -r requirements.txt
python src/ makemigrations
python src/ migrate
python src/ runserver

Then, point your web browser to

Quick overview of the system

  1. Users can login, which stores profile data to a database
  2. Users request a game from the backend
  3. Backend uses their profile data, a language database and existing responses to produce the data needed for a new game
  4. Backend sends this data to frontend as JSON
  5. Frontend uses the JSON data to make a nice game for the user
  6. User plays game and reaches the end
  7. Game data is send back to the backend
  8. Backend stores result and produces a new game (etc.)


To make collaboration between backend and frontend devs easier, we use JSON to exchange data. To aid this process, we have some schemata that describe how the JSON should be structured. Information about these schemata can be found in schemata/

The backend -> frontend format, which gives the frontend everything needed to set the look and behaviour of the game board, is provided in schemata/new-game.json.

The frontend -> backend format, used to communicate game results, is provided in schemata/end-game.json.

Python code for validating JSON is in src/wugsy/


For each game type, there should be an associated rule list described in rules/. For game00, for example, in rules/ we may find:

* TITLE: "Describe the concept to your opponent without using any of the displayed words"
* CARDS: each card shows text, can be deleted, but not selected
* TIMER: countdown from 30 seconds
* ENDING: when the user hits hits the 'Done' button

... etc.

Backend developers will use the game rules to write code that extracts useful data from the database, and to store game results in a different database. Frontend developers will formulate each game as a class or method that can be applied to the game board in order to turn various functionalities on or off, to populate text fields, and so on.


The frontend receives JSON that can be used to start the right game, display the user's score and opponent, and populate the various fields with words and so on. All games share a fairly similar board, though game boards may not be identical. The board will contain:

For example, for the sample data in schemata/new-game.json, the frontend would generate a 2x2 grid, with board functionality determined by code that implements rules/

How to add games to the frontend: one solution

For a hypothetical game03:

  1. Open src/static/site/js/game.js
  2. Create object representations of the various elements of the board in BaseGame (only needs to be done once)
  3. Add a new function named Game03 that takes one argument, the JSON from the backend.
  4. Fill out this function to comply with the rules in rules/
  5. Ensure that the game is placed in the HTML once generated (src/templates/game.html).
  6. Ensure that on game end, JSON is POSTed via AJAX to /game_result that conforms to schemata/end-game.json
  7. Add this game to the games map so that it will be automatically found

The game should be aesthetically pleasing, minimalistic and clean. Animations, transitions etc. are not required for the prototype, but should be included later.


Project is open source and anybody can contribute. Please use issue tracking. Create branches for each issue and submit PRs.