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A study outline for Google Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Exam
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Google Cloud Platform Cloud Engineer Notes

An in-depth study outline for Google Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Exam. The date engineering part is left bank, because the certification covers only the basic knowledge of that area, however it is still worth a look at on one's own.

1. Projects

Check quota in a region:

gcloud compute regions describe [REGION]

2. IAM

3. Stackdriver

4. Billings

5. Cloud SDK

6. Compute Engine

Custom machine types are also supported. Shutting down an instance has a 90s alert. Custom types can have up to 96 vCPUs and 624GB memory.

gcloud compute instances add-metadata

- Or add the keys to project metadata in case of multiple instances:

gcloud compute project-info add-metadata --metadata-from-file ssh-keys=[LIST_PATH].

It's only for advanced users who are unable to use other tools such as OS Login to manually manage SSH keys.

with role Project Editor. However this service account is only enabled to an instance if it's created via gcloud or console, not via API. Tochange the service account of an existing instance, the instance needs to be stopped. gcloud compute instances set-service-accountINSTANCE_NAME [--zone= ZONE ] [--scopes=[SCOPE ,…] | --no-scopes] [--service-account= SERVICE_ACCOUNT | --no-service-account][GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ]

7. Network Services

gcloud compute networks subnets expand-ip-range [SUBNET_NAME] --region=[REGION] --prefix-length=[PREFIX_LENGTH]

8. Google App Engine

9. Google Kubernetes Engine

gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] automatically authenticated kubectl for you

gcloud beta container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] --zone=[ZONE] --project=[PROJECT_ID]--cluster-version=1.10 --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes

10. Google Cloud Functions

11. Google Deployment Manager

gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe my-first-deployment

gcloud deployment-manager resources describe the-first-vm --deployment deployment-with-startup-script

12. Google Cloud Storage

13. Google Cloud SQL

14. Google Cloud Spanner

15. Google Cloud Datastore

16. Google Cloud Bigtable

17. Google Cloud BigQuery

18. Google Cloud Pub/Sub

19. Google Cloud Dataflow

20. Google Cloud Dataproc

21. Google Cloud Datalab

22. Google Marketplace