acesuares / inline_forms

Inline Forms
MIT License
24 stars 15 forks source link

= inline_forms

Inline Forms is almost a complete admin application. You can try it out easily.

= Usage

gem install inline_forms

If you want to just start a new app called MyApp:

inline_forms create MyApp

If you want to use mysql instead of sqlite as development database:

inline_forms create MyApp --database mysql

If you want to install the example application:

inline_forms create MyApp -d sqlite --example

Then point your browser to http://localhost:3000/apartments and log in with / admin999

You can install the example application manually if you like:

inline_forms create MyApp cd MyApp rails g inline_forms Picture name:string caption:string image:image_field description:text apartment:belongs_to _presentation:'#{name}' rails generate uploader Image rails g inline_forms Apartment name:string title:string description:text pictures:has_many pictures:associated _enabled:yes _presentation:'#{name}' bundle exec rake db:migrate rails s

Then point your browser to http://localhost:3000/apartments and log in with / admin999

= Build a vagrant virtualbox box for easier development

Go ahead and unzip lib/vagrant/ Enter the created directory with

cd vagrantbox-inline_forms

then issue

vagrant up

after a while you should be able to use the created box like this:

vagrant ssh

Once inside the box, goto /vagrant and install_stuff:

cd /vagrant ./install_stuff

This should update your box, install rvm and ruby and inline_forms, and create an example app.

== Disclaimer

It's work in progress. Until I learn to use git branch, new releases break as easy as Elijah Price's bones.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Ace Suares. See LICENSE.txt for further details.