I have a 16 bit file that displays fine, but the text comes out in black regardless of the colour specified in the "text" filter.
cv-cat 'bayer=3;crop=0,0,4240,2824;resize=0.3;brightness=10;text=abcdefgaadsdasd,10,50,yellow;view=0;null' < 20170412T013755.350415.bin
However the following works
cv-cat 'bayer=3;crop=0,0,4240,2824;resize=0.3;brightness=10;convert-to=CV_8UC3,0.00390625;text=abcdefgaadsdasd,10,50,yellow;view=0;null' < 20170412T013755.350415.bin
The issue arrises from the lack of scaling to the cv::Mat's mat.depth().
Below is a poor fix for it, for your reference.
template < typename H >
static typename impl::filters< H >::value_type text_impl_( typename impl::filters< H >::value_type m, const std::string& s, const cv::Point& origin, const cv::Scalar& colour )
auto colour_ = colour;
switch (m.second.depth()){
case CV_8S: colour_ = cv::Scalar(colour_ / 2); break;
case CV_16U: colour_ = cv::Scalar(colour * 255); break;
case CV_16S: colour_ = cv::Scalar(colour * 255 / 2); break;
case CV_32S: colour_ = cv::Scalar(colour * 255 * 255 / 2); break;
case CV_32F: colour_ = cv::Scalar(colour / 255.0); break;
case CV_64F: colour_ = cv::Scalar(colour / 255.0); break;
cv::putText( m.second, s, origin, cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, colour_, 1, CV_AA );
return m;
I have a 16 bit file that displays fine, but the text comes out in black regardless of the colour specified in the "text" filter.
cv-cat 'bayer=3;crop=0,0,4240,2824;resize=0.3;brightness=10;text=abcdefgaadsdasd,10,50,yellow;view=0;null' < 20170412T013755.350415.bin
However the following works
cv-cat 'bayer=3;crop=0,0,4240,2824;resize=0.3;brightness=10;convert-to=CV_8UC3,0.00390625;text=abcdefgaadsdasd,10,50,yellow;view=0;null' < 20170412T013755.350415.bin
The issue arrises from the lack of scaling to the cv::Mat's mat.depth(). Below is a poor fix for it, for your reference.