achille-martin / pyqt-crom

Create cross-platform apps (Android for now) using only Python and the Qt Framework (PyQt5 for now).
MIT License
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What is it?

A tool to create cross-platform apps using only Python and the Qt Framework.

System Overview Diagram

PyQt-CroM demonstrates the capabilities of pyqtdeploy and optimises its use.

Who is it for?

PyQt-CroM is mainly aimed at the following groups.

Target Audience Overview Diagram

Why bother?

There are various reasons to create yet another cross-platform app generation tool (especially based on Python and the Qt framework):

:heavy_check_mark: The tool pyqtdeploy is still not perfect, but the limitations are non-critical for the target audience:

The aforementioned limitations constitute obstacles that can be tackled by PyQt-CroM.

Table of Contents

1. Getting started

:mag: This tutorial guides you through the process of generating a cross-platform app from a simple PyQt5 demo app.

:trophy: By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to launch the simple PyQt5 demo app from your Android phone:

1.1. Check the pre-requisites

Specs of Linux machine used:

:bulb: _Refer to Virtual Machine Setup if you don't have a Linux OS available on your machine._

Specs of target OS:

1.2. Download the github repo

Use the HTTPS method if you don't have a Github account:

cd $HOME/Documents \
&& git clone

Use the SSH method if you have a Github account (and SSH key setup):

cd $HOME/Documents \
&& git clone

1.3. Setup the path to the main repo

:warning: _We will use PYQT_CROM_DIR as the variable containing the path to the main repo._

Add the variable to your .bashrc with:

printf "%s\n" \
"" \
"# Environment variable for PyQt-CroM path" \
"export PYQT_CROM_DIR=$HOME/Documents/pyqt-crom" \
"" \
>> $HOME/.bashrc \
&& source $HOME/.bashrc

1.4. Setup the python virtual environment

1.4.1. Create a python virtual environment

sudo apt-get update \
&& sudo apt-get install python3-pip \
&& python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip \
&& sudo apt-get install python3-virtualenv \
&& cd $PYQT_CROM_DIR \
&& mkdir -p venv \
&& cd venv \
&& virtualenv pyqt-crom-venv -p python3 \
&& cd ..

1.4.2. Activate your virtual environment

source $PYQT_CROM_DIR/venv/pyqt-crom-venv/bin/activate

:bulb: To exit the virtual environment, type in your terminal deactivate.

1.4.3. Install the necessary pip packages

Make sure that pip3 (pip for python3) has been upgraded to v23.3.2 (or later) in the virtual environment with:

pip3 --version

If pip3 needs to be upgraded, run the command:

pip3 install --upgrade pip

Install the pip packages in the virtual environment with:

&& pip3 cache purge \
&& pip3 install -r requirements.txt

:bulb: You can confirm the installed pip packages with pip3 list --local.

1.4.4. Test the demo app in your virtual environment

cd $PYQT_CROM_DIR/examples/demo/demo_project/demo_pkg \
&& python3

The PyQt5 demo app will start and you can confirm that it is displayed properly on your machine:

1.5. Install the external dependencies

1.5.1. Download a set of external dependencies for pyqtdeploy

Download the sources with:

cd $PYQT_CROM_DIR/utils/resources \
&& chmod +x \
&& ./

:bulb: _You can confirm that the list of packages required matches with the versions from $PYQT_CROM_DIR/examples/demo/demo_project/sysroot.toml._

1.5.2. Install Zlib for pyqtdeploy

Install zlib on Ubuntu with:

sudo apt install zlib1g-dev

Zlib is required by the pyqtdeploy project $PYQT_CROM_DIR/examples/demo/demo_project/config.pdt to correctly identify the dependencies from the $PYQT_CROM_DIR/examples/demo/demo_project/sysroot.toml.

:bulb: Sysroot setup tips can be obtained from Riverbank website.

1.5.3. Install Java for Android Studio

Install stable java JDK 11 available for your Ubuntu distribution and tested with Gradle:

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk openjdk-11-jre

Set the default java and javac version to 11 using:

sudo update-alternatives --config java \
&& sudo update-alternatives --config javac

:hand: Confirm the version with java -version && javac -version which should be v11.0.21.

1.5.4. Install Android Studio

Download Android Studio version 2023.1.1.26 with:

sudo apt-get install wget \
&& cd $HOME/Downloads \
&& wget

Move the contents of the downloaded tar.gz to your $HOME directory using:

cd $HOME/Downloads \
&& tar -xvf android-studio-2023.1.1.26-linux.tar.gz \
&& mv android-studio $HOME

Start the installation with:

cd $HOME/android-studio/bin \
&& ./

:bulb: Tip: if there is an issue with android studio start, use sudo ./

The Android Studio installer will start:

:hand: Make sure that the default SDK has been installed in $HOME/Android/Sdk and that $HOME/Android/Sdk/platforms contains android-28 folder only. The reason why android-28 (corresponding to Android v9.0) is selected is because there are restrictions depending on the Java version installed and the Qt version installed. If $HOME/Android/Sdk/platforms does not contain android-28 folder only, follow the instructions at the next step to set things up correctly.

1.5.5. Install correct Android SDK and Tools

cd $HOME/Downloads \
&& wget \
&& sudo apt-get install unzip \
&& unzip \
&& rm -r $HOME/Android/Sdk/platform-tools \
&& mv platform-tools $HOME/Android/Sdk

1.5.6. Install Android NDK working with Qt version

:hand: Make sure that $HOME/Android/Sdk/ndk/21.4.7075529/platforms contains the folder android-28.

:bulb: The NDK corresponds to the minimum version required to run the app. Technically, you could choose a lower version than Android API 9.0 (android-28).

1.5.7. Install Qt from the installer

Download the Qt version which matches the one in $PYQT_CROM_DIR/examples/demo/demo_project/sysroot.toml from the open source online installer:

sudo apt-get install libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb-xinerama0 \
&& cd $HOME/Downloads \
&& wget \
&& chmod +x qt*.run \
&& ./

A Qt window will appear on which you can sign up:

:hand: Make sure that you can access $HOME/Qt5.15.2/5.15.2 and that the folder android is located inside of it.

:bulb: The package libxcb-xinerama0 is installed to prevent an issue inherent to Qt5.15 (but solved in Qt6) with xcb Qt platform plugin, according to QT DEBUG reports.

1.6. Setup the environment variables

Load the environment variables on terminal startup with:

printf "%s\n" \
"" \
"# Load extra environment variables for PyQt-CroM" \
"source $PYQT_CROM_DIR/utils/resources/" \
"" \
>> $HOME/.bashrc \
&& source $HOME/.bashrc

1.7. Build the app with pyqtdeploy

Start the building process of the .apk with:

cd $PYQT_CROM_DIR/utils \
&& python3 --pdt $PYQT_CROM_DIR/examples/demo/demo_project/config.pdt --jobs 1 --target android-64 --qmake $QT_DIR/android/bin/qmake --verbose

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Let the app build (it may take a while). The app is built when you see "BUILD SUCCESSFUL".

:bulb: _The Android Manifest, build.gradle and can be checked at debug stage in $PYQT_CROM_DIR/examples/demo/demo_project/build-android-64/android-build._

1.8. Run the app

The generated DemoCrossPlatformApp.apk can be found in $PYQT_CROM_DIR/examples/demo/demo_project/releases/<build_date>.

You can then either:

:trophy: Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial. You can view the demo app running on an Android phone.

:arrow_heading_up: Back to TOP

2. Generating your own app

:mag: This section describes the steps to generate an Android app (.apk) from a custom PyQt5 app.

:bulb: Make sure to go through the Getting Started tutorial to correctly setup your machine and environment.

:warning: _In this section, placeholders are defined between <>. For instance, <pkg_name> can be demo_pkg or test_pkg._

2.1. Create your python package

Start by creating a project folder:

Inside of the project folder, create a python package to hold your PyQt5 app:

_Note that the <main_file_name>.py must contain a unique main() function (or any similar distinctive entry point)._

:bulb: _An example of python package is given in the demo project folder._

2.2. Configure the sysroot

Inside of your <project_name> folder, add the sysroot config to specify application dependencies:

_For instance, if you imported QtSql in your PyQt5 app, then you must include QtSql in [] installed_modules._

:bulb: _An example of sysroot config is given in the demo project folder._

2.3. Configure the pdt

Inside of your <project_name> folder, add the pdt config to specify python dependencies and build requests:

To configure the config.pdt file, you need to understand and use the various areas shown in the following pictures:

:bulb: _An example of pdt config is given in the demo project folder._

:bulb: For more information about pdt files, read the Riverbank website page.

2.4. Build the app

Generate the <app_name>.apk file using:

cd $PYQT_CROM_DIR/utils \
&& python3 --pdt <absolute_path>/<project_name>/config.pdt --jobs 1 --target android-64 --qmake $QT_DIR/android/bin/qmake --verbose

:bulb: _The <app_name>.apk can be found in the <absolute_path>/<project_name>/releases/<build_date> folder._

2.5. Debug the app

The most nerve-wracking part of deploying an application is the debugging part.

Therefore, make sure that you have added a logger to your application and that you use an Emulator or a physical device to confirm your expectations.

To setup an Emulator, refer to Android Emulator setup.

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3. Enhancing your app

:mag: This section offers feature examples to enhance your custom PyQt app.

To discover or analyse PyQt5 features, look at the section dedicated to PyQt5 features.

:arrow_heading_up: Back to TOP

4. Releasing your app

:mag: This section provides a detailed tutorial on how to release your custom app onto main app stores.

To learn more about releasing your own app on app stores, follow the online tutorial.

:arrow_heading_up: Back to TOP

5. Troubleshooting

:mag: This section offers advice to get unstuck when creating your app.

To find out about common setup and running issues, look at the section dedicated to Common issues.

:arrow_heading_up: Back to TOP

6. Roadmap

:mag: This section describes the broad roadmap to deliver a functional repo.

Roadmap Diagram

:arrow_heading_up: Back to TOP

7. Credits

Repository created and maintained by Achille Martin.

:clap: Gigantic thanks to Phil Thompson, the creator and maintainer of PyQt and pyqtdeploy.

:heartpulse: Sincere thanks to the well-intentioned international developers who create apps benefitting the community.

_For more information about licencing details, take a look at the section dedicated to Licencing._

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8. Support

:star2: Do you feel that you can make progress with your own projects by converting your PyQt5 apps into cross-platform apps?

Please support PyQt-CroM by starring, advertising and sponsoring it.

:open_hands: Do you feel stuck with your projects?

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