acidprime / exports

A puppet face that queries puppetdb and returns the exported resources
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Simple PuppetDB wrapper

This is a puppet face that will display all exports in puppetdb from the command line

Task Usage


This module is compatible with Puppet Enterprise and Puppet Bolt.

Puppet Enterprise Tasks

With Puppet Enterprise 2017.3 or higher, you can run this task from the console or the command line.

Here's a command line example where we are checking for the exported Host resources from the Puppet master,

[abir@workstation]$ puppet task run exports resources=Host --nodes

Starting job ...
New job ID: 247
Nodes: 1

Started on ...
Finished on node
    Name                                 Exports                      Host[]

Job completed. 1/1 nodes succeeded.
Duration: 2 sec


With Bolt, you can run this task on the command line like so:

bolt task run exports resources=Host --nodes


Module Usage

  1. Install the module into your modulepath
puppet node exports

An example use would be monitoring students checking into the puppet master in the puppet advanced class

while :; do clear; puppet node exports --highlight; sleep 2; done

or if you do not have --color in watch:

watch 'puppet node exports'

Example Usage

To query for all exported resources ( be aware there is a 20,000 limit by default )

puppet node exports
Name                                 Exports
puppet3.puppetlabs.vm                File[/tmp/production_puppet3.puppetlabs.vm_2]
puppet3.puppetlabs.vm                File[/tmp/production_puppet3.puppetlabs.vm]
puppet3.puppetlabs.vm                User[foooo]

To query for just user resources

puppet node exports --resources user
Name                                 Exports
puppet3.puppetlabs.vm                User[foooo]