acidvegas / acid-drop

Hacking the planet from a LilyGo T-Deck using custom firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
23 stars 2 forks source link

Work in progress

This is a custom firmware being developed for the LilyGo T-Deck, currently it is experimental & buggy while we are in beta status.

If you are familiar with or use Internet Relay Chat, we have a team of developers working on this project in #comms on, join us if you have ideas, bugs, or want to get your hands dirty & develope this project with us.

Consider sponsoring our project, all the money goes towards motivation to develope on this, we also like buying T-Decks for people who want to learn about this stuff!

Flashing the Firmware

Using VS Code
  1. Add your user to the dialout group: sudo gpasswd -a YOURUSERNAME dialout (You will need to re-login after adding your user to the dialout group for it to take affect)
  2. Install Visual Studio Code
  3. Install the PlatformIO plugin
  4. Hold down the trackball on the device, turn it on, and plug it in to the computer.
  5. Press F1 and select PlatformIO: Build
  6. Press F1 and select PlatformIO: Upload
  7. Press the RST (reset) button on the device.
Using ESP Tool
  1. Take the firmware.bin file from the release page and download it.
  2. Install esptool: pip install esptool
  3. Hold down the trackball on the device, turn it on, and plug it in to the computer.
  4. Confirm the serial device in your /dev directory (Your device will likely be /dev/ttyAMC0 or /dev/ttyUSB0)
  5. Flash the device: --chip esp32-s3 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash -z 0x1000 firmware.bin
  6. Press the RST (reset) button on the device.

Command & Control

Menu controls

On boot, if you press the w key, it will wipe all of the stored preferences.

The device will scan for WiFi networks on boot. Once the list is displayed, you can scroll up and down the list with the u key for UP and the d key for down.

IRC commands
Command Description
/info Show hardware information
/me <message> Send an ACTION message
/nick <new> Change your NICK on IRC
/raw <data> Send RAW data to the server

Debugging over Serial

  1. Install screen: apt-get install screen (or whatever package manager you use)
  2. Plug in your device via USB.
  3. Turn the device on, and run: screen /dev/ttyAMC0 9600 (again, this can also be /dev/ttyUSB0)


Device functionality



99 Color support

Full ASCII support for PUMPERS

Support for /HUEG

Mirrors for this repository: acid.vegasSuperNETsGitHubGitLabCodeberg