Open amyjko opened 2 years ago
Other ideas:
Asked the board for ideas on Discord; we'll also discuss at the SIGCSE social.
Here's what Laura Lander says ACM does already:
Attached are some eblasts I am working on currently or that have already been sent. I work closely with the ACM marketing team.
If your special issue editors are organizing webinars, I would really like to assist in promoting these. They would also serve as models for what other EiCs are talking about doing. Do you have links already? We could attach them to the special issues in the DL. Do you link to them already from the journal website? I would really like to see what has been done.
Additionally, a number of EiCs have spoken about asking authors to do short video presentations about their articles. We can add them to the DL, also via a YouTube link if that’s the preferred first place of publication. There is a short rights form they need to sign.
Marketing problably already links up to your social media accounts and reposts whatever you post (automatically I think). I can check if you let me know what they are.
Authors can also promote their articles via Kudos: When an article is published in the DL, the authors receive an email letting them know about this service.
Lastly, on every reviewer scorecard there is a question that asks whether this article is of potential interest to engineers and developers. If the answer is yes, this answer eventually trickles up to a marketing associate, who, based on certain criteria, may ask our social media person to post about it on Twitter, Facebook, etc. You can also send me such articles to make sure this is happening for particular articles of interest or importance for any reason.
Whenever we promote an article it is opened up free of charge in the DL for 4-5 weeks.
So, the long and the short of it is that we try to do a lot of promotion for our journals and authors.
We should link to a summary of the above in the author guidelines and link to the summary in acceptance emails. We can then update it as we add other opportunities for marketing.
Based on the above, I think it might be nice to offer a menu of possibilities to offers in the paper acceptance email, beyond just appearance in the ACM DL:
Wrote the board for feedback on this.
We should also consider some more modern communications forums:
Our current marketing infrastructure involves some Twitter, Facebook, and 1-page paper flyers. There's no particular strategy behind it. Devise a goal and strategy, and implement it.
For example, a goal might be trying to encourage readership and citation. A strategy might be soliciting blog posts by authors and sharing them on social media.
Here is a running list of ideas: