acoustep / craft-easymde

EasyMDE field type for Markdown content in Craft CMS 3
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link


EasyMDE field type for Markdown content in Craft CMS 3+.


Add the package to your composer.json file

For Craft CMS 3, use version 3

"acoustep/craft-easymde": "~3.0.0"

For Craft CMS 4, there is currently a beta branch

"acoustep/craft-easymde": "dev-Craft4"

Install the plugin

./craft install/plugin craft-easymde


Go to your Settings, Fields, select or create a field and choose EasyMDE field type.

Then if you're using Twig in your frontend you can parse it with the markdown helper or use the Wordsmith plugin

