acrouzet / sidvis

Script that creates .wav files of separated SID channels for oscilloscope views.
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------------------------------------- sidvis -------------------------------------


sidvis is a batch file script that records .SID music files and outputs .WAV files that are meant to be used to create oscilloscope views. To run the script, first edit "set_sidvis.bat" to input your desired settings, then run "sidvis.bat". It records many 192 kHz sample rate .WAV files, so wait times may be lengthy.


The .WAV files are recorded from a modified version of sidplayfp (a SID emulation software) and are then processed with ffmpeg.

The .ZIP release contains the sidvis-sidplayfp executable for Windows.

The source code of sidvis-sidplayfp is in these repositories:

If you don't have the ffmpeg executable, you can download it here:

sidvis's .WAV recordings are designed for corrscope, but other oscilloscope view programs may be compatible:


Before using sidvis, you need to provide some settings pointing to required programs and the SID music you'd like to record. Edit sidvis_set.bat in a text editor to provide and/or change the settings used by sidvis. (Non-path options must be lower-case.)

set sidplayfp_path=<[path]>

set ffmpeg_path=<[path]>

set hvsc_path=<[path]>

set wav_path=<[path]>

set use_hvsc=<0|1>

set sid_path=<[path]>

set track=<#>

set record_mode=<n(ormal)|v(olume)|t(est)>

set pan=<m(ono)|s(tereo)>

set time=<##:##>

set fadeout_seconds=<#>

set clock=<n(tsc)|p(al)|a(uto)>

set sid_model=<6(581)|8(580)|d(igiboost)|a(uto)>

set combined_waves=<w(eak)|a(verage)|s(trong)>

set filter_curve_6581=<0.0-1.0>

set filter_range_6581=<0.0-1.0>

set delay=<#>

set fadein_samples=<#>

set quiet=<#>

set delete_ffmpeg_wavs=<0|1>


The contents of a .WAV recording can be determined by looking at its filename.

In order, the filename contains: