activecourses / upwork-clone-backend

Upwork Clone: A platform connecting freelancers and clients for job postings, proposals, real-time chat, and secure payments via escrow.
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A platform connecting freelancers and clients for job postings, proposals, and real-time chat.

Table of Contents


Database: PostgreSQL

Use Docker to create a PostgreSQL container: ```bash docker run --name -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD= -e POSTGRES_DB= -e POSTGRES_USER= -d postgres ``` Make sure to replace ``, ``, ``, and `` with your desired values. - For testing purposes, you can use this command: ```bash docker run --name Upwork -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=root -e POSTGRES_DB=upwork -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -d postgres ```
Configure Spring Boot to Connect to the Database: Create a `src/main/resources/` file with the following content: ```properties POSTGRES_USER= POSTGRES_PASSWORD= POSTGRES_DB= ``` Replace ``, ``, and `` with the values you used when creating the PostgreSQL container.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is used to manage multi-container Docker applications. The docker-compose.yml file contains the configuration for the PostgreSQL and application services.

Build and run the Docker containers: ```bash docker-compose up --build ``` This command will build the Docker images and start the containers.
Stop and remove the Docker containers: ```bash docker-compose down ``` This command will stop and remove the Docker containers. Note: The `src/main/resources/` file contains environment variables for database configuration. Make sure to update this file with your desired values.

Note on Flyway

Flyway is used to manage database migrations. The SQL scripts are located in src/main/resources/db/migration. When you run the application, Flyway will automatically create the necessary tables in the database.

API Endpoints


Register a new user - **URL:** `/api/auth/register` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Register a new user. - **Request Body:** ```json { "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "email": "string", "password": "string", "roles": ["string"] } ``` - **Response:** ```json { "status": "OK", "success": true, "data": { "message": "User registered successfully, please verify your email" }, "error": null } ```
Login - **URL:** `/api/auth/login` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Login a user. - **Request Body:** ```json { "email": "string", "password": "string" } ``` - **Response:** ``` Login successful: User: ``` - **Note:** The JWT and Refresh tokens are now sent as HttpOnly cookies.
Logout - **URL:** `/api/auth/logout` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Logout a user. - **Response:** ```json { "status": "OK", "success": true, "data": "User logged out successfully!", "error": null } ```

User Management

Get all users - **URL:** `/api/users` - **Method:** `GET` - **Description:** Retrieve a paginated list of all users. Only accessible by users with the ROLE_ADMIN role. - **Query Parameters:** - `pageNo` (optional, default: 0): Page number - `pageSize` (optional, default: 10): Page size - `sortBy` (optional, default: "id"): Sort by field - `sortDir` (optional, default: "asc"): Sort direction - **Response:** A `ResponseDto` object containing the paginated list of users.
Deactivate user - **URL:** `/api/auth/{id}/deactivate` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Deactivate a user account. - **Path Parameters:** - `id`: The ID of the user to deactivate - **Response:** A `ResponseDto` object containing the result of the operation.
Reactivate user - **URL:** `/api/auth/{id}/reactivate` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Reactivate a deactivated user account. - **Path Parameters:** - `id`: The ID of the user to reactivate - **Response:** A `ResponseDto` object containing the result of the operation.
Get user profile - **URL:** `/api/users/profile/{userId}` - **Method:** `GET` - **Description:** Retrieve the profile information for a specific user. - **Path Parameters:** - `userId` (required): The ID of the user whose profile is to be retrieved. - **Response:** - **Status Code:** `200 OK` - **Body:** ```json { "status": "OK", "success": true, "data": { "id": 160, "firstName": "Teddy", "lastName": "Johnson", "title": null, "description": null, "hourlyRate": null, "location": null }, "error": null } ```
Update user profile - **URL:** `/api/users/profile/{id}` - **Method:** `PUT` - **Description:** Update the profile information for a specific user. - **Path Parameters:** - `id` (required): The ID of the user whose currently logged in. - **Request Body:** - **Content-Type:** `application/json` - **Body Example:** ```json { "id": 160, "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "title": "string", "description": "string", "hourlyRate": 0, "location": "string" } ``` - **Response:** - **Status Code:** `200 OK` - **Body Example:** ```json { "status": "OK", "success": true, "data": { "id": 160, "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "title": "string", "description": "string", "hourlyRate": 0, "location": "string" }, "error": null } ```

Password Management

Forgot password - **URL:** `/api/auth/forgot-password` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Initiate the forgot password process. - **Note:** This endpoint is to be implemented.
Reset password - **URL:** `/api/auth/reset-password` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Reset the user's password. - **Note:** This endpoint is to be implemented.

Token Management

Refresh token - **URL:** `/api/auth/refresh-token` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Refresh the authentication token. - **Response:** ```json { "status": "OK", "success": true, "data": "Token is refreshed successfully!", "error": null } ``` - **Note:** The new JWT and Refresh tokens are sent as HttpOnly cookies. The Refresh token is also stored in the database for better security.
Verify email - **URL:** `/api/auth/verify` - **Method:** `GET` - **Description:** Verify the user's email address. - **Query Parameters:** - `token`: The verification token sent to the user's email - **Response:** A string indicating the result of the verification process.
Resend verification email - **URL:** `/api/auth/resend-verification` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Resend the verification email to the user. - **Query Parameters:** - `email`: The email address of the user - **Response:** A string indicating the result of the operation.
Delete token - **URL:** `/api/auth/delete-token/{id}` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Delete a specific token. - **Path Parameters:** - `id`: The ID of the token to delete - **Response:** An object indicating the result of the operation.

Role Management

Add a new role - **URL:** `/api/roles/add` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Add a new role, accessible only by admins. - **Request Body:** ```json { "name": "string" } ``` - **Response:** ```json { "status": "CREATED", "success": true, "data": { "id": 1, "name": "string" }, "error": null } ```
Remove a role - **URL:** `/api/roles/remove/{roleId}` - **Method:** `DELETE` - **Description:** Remove a role, accessible only by admins. - **Path Parameters:** - `roleId` (required): The ID of the role to remove. - **Response:** ```json { "status": "OK", "success": true, "data": "Role removed successfully.", "error": null } ```
Update a role - **URL:** `/api/roles/update/{roleId}` - **Method:** `PUT` - **Description:** Update a role, accessible only by admins. - **Path Parameters:** - `roleId` (required): The ID of the role to update. - **Request Body:** ```json { "name": "string" } ``` - **Response:** ```json { "status": "OK", "success": true, "data": { "id": 1, "name": "string" }, "error": null } ```
Get all roles - **URL:** `/api/roles/all` - **Method:** `GET` - **Description:** Retrieve a list of all roles, accessible only by admins. - **Response:** ```json { "status": "OK", "success": true, "data": [ { "id": 1, "name": "string" } ], "error": null } ```
Assign roles to users - **URL:** `/api/roles/{id}/assign-roles` - **Method:** `POST` - **Description:** Assign roles to users, accessible only by admins. - **Path Parameters:** - `id` (required): The ID of the user to assign roles to. - **Request Body:** ```json { "roles": ["string"] } ``` - **Response:** ```json { "status": "OK", "success": true, "data": "Roles assigned successfully.", "error": null } ```

Test Endpoints

These endpoints are likely for testing purposes and may be removed in production:

Swagger UI

You can access the Swagger UI documentation for this API at: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

