activewarehouse / activewarehouse-etl

Extract-Transform-Load library from ActiveWarehouse
MIT License
240 stars 102 forks source link

h1. ActiveWarehouse-ETL

:warning: THIS GEM IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE - Consider using "Kiba ETL": instead <<<

ActiveWarehouse-ETL is a Ruby Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) tool.

This tool is both usable and used in production under its current form - but be aware the project is under reorganization: a new team is shaping up and we're working mostly on making it easier for people to contribute first. Up-to-date documentation will only come later.


h2. Usage

The documentation is sparse and not everything is up to date, too, but here are useful bits to get you started:

If you're lost, please ask questions on the "Google Group": and we'll take care of it.

One thing to keep in mind is that ActiveWarehouse-ETL is highly hackable: you can pretty much create all you need with extra ruby code, even if it's not currently supported.

h2. Compatibility

See "Travis": and our set of "gemfiles": for the currently tested combinations.

If you meet any error, please drop a line on the "Google Group": so that we can fix it.

h2. Contributing

Fork on GitHub and after you've committed tested patches, send a pull request.

TODO: explain how to run the tests like on Travis.

or for all the combinations:

@rake ci:run_matrix@

h2. Contributors

ActiveWarehouse-ETL is the work of many people since late 2006 - here is a list, in no particular order:

If your name should be on the list but isn't, please leave a comment!

h2. Features

Currently supported features: